The Statutory Instrument (SI) is published via the legislation website (together with the explanatory memorandum which provides fuller detail of the changes). The rules online will be updated in due course.
The Civil Procedure (Amendment No.3) Rules 2024 will enter into force, on 1st October 2024 and contains amendments in respect of the following:
The 171 st Practice Direction (PD) Update comes into force on 1 st October 2024, save for the amendments to the Practice Direction – Application for a Warrant Under the Competition Act 1998, which come into force on the date when Parts 1 and 2 and Chapter 2 of Part 5 of the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act 2024 have all come into effect.
The Master of the Rolls and the Courts Minister have signed the Practice Direction Update, which contains a suite of amendments in support of the Civil Procedure (Amendment No.3) Rules 2024 (above) as well as providing for the following:
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 170 th Practice Direction Update, which comes into force at 11am on 18 th July 2024.
The 170 th PD Update amends both PD 51R (Online Civil Money Claims Pilot) and PD 51ZB (The Damages Claims Pilot) to:
The Statutory Instrument (SI) is published via the legislation website and the online rules will be updated in due course.
The Civil Procedure (Amendment No. 2) Rules 2024 will enter into force on the date on which the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters (concluded on 2nd July 2019 at The Hague) enters into force in respect of the United Kingdom.
The SI contains Rule amendments in respect of:
Registration Model:sets out a registration requirement in the 1982 Act, under which parties seeking recognition and enforcement of a foreign judgment in the UK under Hague 2019 will first need to apply to register their judgment in the relevant UK court.
Route of Challenge:as the route of challenge, it is provided for a right for either party to apply to set aside a registration decision made under Hague 2019, and for consistency, the route of challenge for Hague 2005 registration decisions has also been amended from an appeal route to a ‘set aside’ route. Technical amendments are also made to the Hague 2005 provisions in line with the registration provisions.
Intra-UK Recognition and Enforcement: excludes judgments registered under both Hague 2019 and Hague 2005 from the intra-UK recognition and enforcement provisions in the 1982 Act sections 18 and 19.
Other policy implications: maintains existing policy in respect of obligations under multilateral private law instruments.
The 168 th Practice Direction (PD) Update comes into force, variously on 31 st May and on the same date as the Civil Procedure (Amendment No. 2) Rules 2024.
This update provides for:
PD 51ZC – The Small Paper Determination Pilot: the pilot is extended to 1 st December 2024.
PD 74A – Enforcement of Judgements in Different Jurisdictions: Various amendments to make provision for the registration of foreign judgments for the purposes of recognition and enforcement under the Hague 2019 Convention.
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 169 th Practice Direction Update. The 169 th Update contains amendments to Practice Direction 51R (Online Civil Money Claims) and comes into force on 18 May 2024.
This PD Update contains amendments in relation to Notices of Change.
Previously, the provisions in PD 51R limited the use of digital notices of change to cases where all parties are legally represented, which means that if a litigant in person decides to appoint a legal representative, the court cannot be notified digitally; the notice has to be filed on paper instead, and then the claim has to be transferred out of the pilot.
This update widens the provisions to allow cases that are initially legal representative versus litigant in person, to provide for a digital notice of change to be filed where the litigant in person appoints a legal representative.
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 167 th Practice Direction Update. The 167 th Update introduces a Pilot Practice Direction 51ZF – Part 3 of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021: Provision during piloted commencement. The PD provides for the civil court procedure to be used during the piloted commencement of the new Domestic Abuse Protection Order.
This practice direction adopts the same paragraph numbering as Practice Direction 36ZG of the Family Procedure Rules 2010 (the Family Practice Direction) where possible and, where relevant, corresponds with the Family Practice Direction, because pilots will operate in both jurisdictions. If a paragraph of the Family Practice Direction is not applicable, the corresponding paragraph in this practice direction is blank.
PD51ZF is to be inserted after Practice Direction 51ZE, having come into force on 9 May 2024, in readiness of commencement. The PD will not be in active use until Part 3 of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 has been commenced for piloting purposes. Courts in the piloting sites are aware of the preparations for the pilot launch. This information will be updated once a commencement date for piloting of Part 3 of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 has been confirmed.
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 166 th Practice Direction Update. The 166 th Update contains a suite of amendments to introduce Automatic Referral to Mediation in civil cases, and comes into force on 22 May 2024.
The 166 th PD Update will introduce a new Pilot PD (PD 51ZE) that will automatically refer certain civil cases to a free, one-hour mediation session with the HMCTS Small Claims Mediation Service.
The pilot scheme will apply to claims for a specific amount of money under £10,000 made through MCOL, Secure Data Transfer or paper on or after 22nd May 2024.
Your views are being sought on the proposed draft amendments to the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) regarding Alternative Dispute Resolution. The proposed reforms flow from the Court of Appeal judgment in James Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil Borough Council.
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 165 th Practice Direction Update. The 165 th Update contains a suite of amendments to Fixed Recoverable Costs (FRC) in civil cases, and comes into force on 6 th April 2024.
The 165 th PD Update contains three amendments relating to: (i) VAT, (ii) the definition of ‘day’ in connection with the number of days before trial during which a matter is settled or vacated and the advocate is entitled to FRC, and (iii) cross referencing in PD 28:-
Are you interested in observing the rule making process?
The Civil Procedure Rule Committee is hosting the annual Open Meeting of the Committee on 10 th May 2024. If you are interested in attending, read more details on GOV,UK, including how to apply.
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 164 th Practice Direction (PD) Update. The 164 th Update contains a suite of amendments to PD 51R, Online Civil Money Claims (OCMC) and PD 51ZB, Damages Claims Portal (DCP), which came into force at 11am on 29 th February 2024.
The 164 th PD Update contains three main categories of amendment: Mediation, which only applies to PD 51R (OCMC), trial readiness certificates and trial bundles, which applies to both PD 51R (OCMC) and PD 51ZB (DCP), and applications, which also applies to both OCMC and the DCP.
A suite of other minor amendments are also being made to PD 51R (OCMC) for the purposes of clarity.
Your views are being sought on the proposed draft amendments to Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) rule 5.4C (supply of documents to a non-party from court records). The proposed reforms flow from the UK Supreme Court judgment in Cape Intermediate Holdings Ltd -v- Dring [2019] UKSC 38
Your views are being sought on the proposed draft amendments to Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) Part 74 and PD 74A, arising from the CPR Committee’s consideration of the implementing framework to facilitate the operation of the Hague Convention 2019 (on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters) and Hague Convention 2005 (on Choice of Court Agreements).
The Statutory Instrument (SI) is published via the legislation website and the online rules will be updated in due course.
The Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2024 will enter into force, on 6 th April 2024.
The SI contains Rule amendments in respect of:
The 163 rd Practice Direction (PD) Update comes into force, variously on 1 st February 2024 and 6 th April 2024.
This Update provides for:
The official response to the Summer 2023 consultation on Fixed Recoverable Costs has now been published.
The Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) is seeking your views.
As part of its project to try to simplify the rules; this being a statutory duty under s.2(7) of the Civil Procedure Act 1997, the Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) is seeking your views on proposed amendments to Part 25 of the CPR.
If you wish to comment on the proposed changes, you should submit your comments by 9 February 2024 to:
Please do not copy your responses to other email addresses and please state “Part 25” within the subject
heading of your email.
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 162 nd Practice Direction Update. The 162 nd PD Update introduces a new Practice Direction, PD 51ZD, a new pilot scheme which is intended to cap costs for “mid-tier” patent disputes, and comes into force on 1 st January 2024.
The pilot will run from 1 st January 2024 until 31 st December 2026, unless extended or modified.
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 161 st Practice Direction Update. The 161 st Update contains a suite of amendments to Practice Direction 51R, Online Civil Money Claims, which came into force at 11am on 29 th November 2023.
The following amendments are made to PD 51R for the Online Civil Money Claims (OCMC) pilot which provide:
There are also amendments clarifying that information provided by the parties while in the pilot is to be treated as provided under the mainstream Civil Procedure Rules if the claim is sent out of the pilot.
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 160 th Practice Direction Update. This contains a suite of amendments to Practice Direction 51ZB, the Damages Claims Pilot which came into force at 11am on 16 th November 2023.
The following amendments are made to PD 51ZB for the Damages Claims Portal (DCP) which enable:
The PD Update also contains a series of clarificatory and tidying up amendments to the following paragraphs of PD 51ZB: 8.1, 8.3A, 8.4 and 8.7 (the last being renumbered as Section 8A).
Alongside the PD Update and the IT features it enables, the following IT features will be introduced into both Online Civil Money Claims and the Damages Claims Portal (without the need for amendment to either PD 51R – Online Civil Money Claims or PD 51ZB – Damages Claims Portal):
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 159 th Practice Direction Update to the Civil Procedure Rules, which came into force at 11am on19 th September 2023. It provides a suite of amendments to two pilot Practice Directions (PD), namely PD 51R the Online Civil Money Claims Pilot and PD 51ZB the Damages Claims Pilot.
The following amendment is made to PD 51R for Online Civil Money Claims (OCMC) which enables:
The following amendments are made to PD 51ZB for the Damages Claims Portal (DCP) which enable:
Your views are being sought on issues relating to the new FRC regime in civil cases.
The Statutory Instrument (SI) is published via the legislation website and the online rules will be updated in due course.
The Civil Procedure (Amendment No.3) Rules 2023 enter into force variously, on 14 th August and 1 st October 2023.
The SI contains Rule amendments in respect of:
Appeals (Contempt of Court) (Part 52) l. this addresses three issues: (i) applying for permission to appeal from the county court in contempt proceedings; (ii) applying for permission to appeal to the Supreme Court, both in contempt proceedings from a decision of a single High Court Judge on appeal, the Divisional Court or the Court of Appeal and from a decision of the Court of Appeal in non-contempt proceedings (the CPR may not provide for practice and procedure in the Supreme Court itself, but may make provision regarding applications for permission to appeal to the Supreme Court when made to the court in which the decision subject to appeal was made); and (iii) responding to caselaw – changes to rule 52.8 to reflect the Court of Appeal decision in R (Kearney) v Chief Constable of Hampshire Police [2019] EWCA Civ 1841 (the effect of the decision (and of s.18(1)(a) Senior Courts Act 1981) is that no route of appeal lies to the Court of Appeal against refusal of permission on a Judicial Review in a criminal cause or matter).
The 157 th Practice Direction Update – (coming into force, variously, on 17 th July 2023 and 27 th July 2023). This PD Update supports HMCTS digital reform. It provides for:
The 158 th Practice Direction Update – (coming into force, variously, on 14 th August 2023 and 1 st October 2023). In addition to a suite of amendments in consequence of the Civil Procedure (Amendment No.3) Rules 2023 (above), this PD Update also provides for:
Pre-Action Protocol Update – (coming into force on 1 st October 2023.)
The Master of the Rolls, as Head of Civil Justice, has approved the amendments within this PAP update.
The PAP update amends the PAP for Low Value Personal Injury Claims in Road Traffic Accidents, and The Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury (Employers’ Liability and Public Liability) Claims.
The amendments are part of a package of amendments correcting minor errors such as incorrect cross-references arising out of the fixed recoverable costs amendments (see earlier bulletin regarding the Civil Procedure (Amendment No. 2) Rules 2023, 156th Practice Direction Update and associated Pre-Action Protocol (PAP) Update).
Your views are being sought on issues arising from the Civil Procedure Rule Committee’s consideration of Annex C (Standard Disclosure in Workplace Claims) to the Pre-Action Protocol for Personal Injury Claims.
Further to the bulletin of April 2023, the Statutory Instrument and accompanying Practice Direction Update extending Fixed Recoverable Costs (FRC) have now been signed by the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice.
The Statutory Instrument (SI) (The Civil Procedure (Amendment No. 2) Rules 2023 ( is published via the legislation website and the online rules will be updated in due course.
The Civil Procedure (Amendment No.2) Rules 2023 enter into force on 1 st October 2023.
The SI contains Rule amendments in respect of:
The 156 th Practice Direction Update – Coming into force on 1 st October 2023
(i) allocation to the intermediate track, as provided by Part 26; and
(ii) for claims allocated to either the fast track or the intermediate track, assignment to one of four complexity bands, as also provided by Part 26, which will determine the amount of fixed costs allowable in respect of a claim under Part 45.
Pre-Action Protocol Update – Coming into force on 1 st October 2023
The Master of the Rolls, as Head of Civil Justice, has approved the amendments within this PAP Update.
The majority of amendments in this Update are minor consequential amendments, which take account of amendments to Part 36 and amendments to Parts 26 and 45 by way of substitution of those Parts and their respective practice directions.
More substantial amendments are made to the Pre-Action Protocol for Disease and Illness Claims, which make provision for noise induced hearing loss claims which would normally be allocated to the fast track, in respect of which costs are set by Section VIII of new Part 45 and Table 15 in PD 45. (Part 28 and PD 28, both amended by way of substitution, make further provision regarding the case management of such claims).
This is further to the bulletin in 2022 (see further down this page). At the Civil Procedure Rule Committee’s (CPRC) meeting on 31 March 2023, the draft amendments required for the implementation of the extended FRC regime were approved in principle. The intended in-force date is 1 October 2023, subject to formal ratification by the CPRC and the Master of the Rolls, as Head of Civil Justice, as appropriate, to be followed by ministerial concurrence and approval by Parliament. Read more on this, including early publication of the draft amendments on GOV.UK.
The Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) is seeking your views.
As part of its project to try to simplify the rules; this being a statutory duty under s.2(7) of the Civil Procedure Act 1997, the Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) is seeking your views on proposed amendments to Part 24 of the CPR
If you wish to comment on the proposed changes, you should submit your comments by 28 April 2023 to:
Please do not copy your responses to other email addresses and please state “Part 24” within the subject heading of your email.
The official response to the May 2022 consultation on QOCS has now been published.
Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice, have signed the 155 th Practice Direction Update to the Civil Procedure Rules, which came into force, on 6 th March 2023. It provides amendments to Practice Direction 27B Claims Under the Pre-Action Protocol For Personal Injury Claims Below the Small Claims Limit in Road Traffic Accidents – Court Procedure. In addition, the Master of the Rolls, as Head of Civil Justice, approves a suite of amendments to:
(a) the Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury Claims in Road Traffic Accidents (‘the RTA Protocol’);
(b) the Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury (Employers’ Liability and Public Liability) Claims (‘the EL/PL Protocol’); and
(c) the Pre-Action Protocol for Personal Injury Claims Below the Small Claims Limit in Road Traffic Accidents (‘the RTA Small Claims Protocol’).
The amendments made to the RTA Protocol and the EL/PL Protocol come into force 22 nd February 2023.
The amendments made to the RTA Small Claims Protocol came into force on 6 th March 2023.
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice, have signed the 154 th Practice Direction Update to the Civil Procedure Rules, which came into force, variously, from 1 st March 2023. It provides a suite of amendments to two pilot Practice Directions (PD), namely PD 51R the Online Civil Money Claims Pilot and PD 51ZB the Damages Claims Pilot.
The Statutory Instrument (SI) is published via the legislation website and the online rules will be updated in due course.
The Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2023 enter into force variously from 6 th April 2023.
The SI contains Rule amendments in respect of:
The 153 rd Practice Direction Update – (coming into force, variously, on 31 st January 2023 and 6 th April 2023)
The Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) is seeking your views.
As part of its project to try to simplify the rules; this being a statutory duty under s.2(7) of the Civil Procedure Act 1997, the Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) is seeking your views on proposed amendments to Part 22 and Part 23 of the CPR
If you wish to comment on the proposed changes, you should submit your comments by 24 February 2023 to:
Please do not copy your responses to other email addresses and please state “Part 22 and Part 23” within the subject heading of your email.
On 18 November 2022 Lord Bellamy KC, civil justice minister, announced at the Civil Justice Council National Forum that implementation of the extended fixed recoverable costs (FRC) regime would take place in October 2023. Meanwhile, work on finalising the new rules which will implement the FRC extension continues, including at the Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) meeting on 2 nd December 2022. The drafting work is not complete and will be subject to ministerial approval in the new year. The proposals follow the recommendations of Sir Rupert Jackson in his 2017 report, and the subsequent Ministry of Justice consultation, on which the way forward was set out in September 2021. FRC will be introduced for most civil cases up to £100,000 in value, with some exceptions as previously set out. Rather than expanding the value covered by the existing Fast Track to cover “intermediate cases”, the plan is to introduce a new Intermediate Track, as recommended in the Jackson report, along with provisions for four complexity bands in each of the Fast Track and the Intermediate Track, again as recommended in the Jackson report. Full details of the proposed rules will be made available when they are ready, in good time for implementation in October 2023. This will include the detail of the FRC figures, as uprated for inflation since the Jackson report. Minutes of the CPRC meetings can be seen on GOV.UK.
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 151 st and the 152 nd Practice Direction Updates to the Civil Procedure Rules, which come into force variously on the 16November 2022 and 1 st December 2022. The online rules will be updated accordingly.
The 151 st PD Update provides for:
Clarifying amendments to Practice Direction 51R, the Online Civil Money Claims (OCMC) Pilot Scheme, to make it clear that prospective Help with Fees is not available to legally represented parties using OCMC. There are also three further minor amendments for tidying up purposes and to simplify language.
The 152 nd PD Update provides for:
The introduction of PD 51Z, the County Court Officers Pilot Scheme. This scheme provides for Court Officers to be authorised to make certain paper case management directions by completing standard order templates. The work will be overseen by Designated Civil Judges. The pilot will apply nationally to all suitable county court claims (except for certain cases which are considered to be too factually complex). The Pilot does not include digital work, namely, cases issued through either the Online Civil Money Claims (OCMC) pilot or the online Damages Claims Pilot (DCP).The Pilot (PD 51Z) will run from 1 st December 2022, until 30 th November 2024 (unless extended).
In addition, the 152 nd PD Update formally renumbers PDs 3E, 3F and 3G as PDs 3D, 3E and 3F, arising from the moving, in the 149 th Update, of PD 3D to become a PD supporting Part 49 along with other modest tidying up.
The Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) is seeking your views.
As part of its project to try to simplify the rules; this being a statutory duty under s.2(7) of the Civil Procedure Act 1997, the Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) is seeking your views on proposed amendments to Part 21 and the proposed revocation of PD21 of the CPR.
If you wish to comment on the proposed changes, you should submit your comments by 24 th November 2022 to:
Please do not copy your responses to other email addresses and please state “Part 21” within the subject heading of your email.
The Civil Procedure Rule (CPR) Committee has approved changes to all approved forms requiring amendment following the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II.
Any other necessary and consequential amendments to reflect the change of Monarch.
Amended forms will be published in the usual way, in due course.
It is also noted that the use of the existing court seal continues until such time as another seal is prepared and authorised by His Majesty the King. Copies of all the Accession Council Orders can be seen here:”
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 150 th Practice Direction Update to the Civil Procedure Rules, which comes into force on 15 th September 2022. The online rules will be updated accordingly.
It requires defendants who are legally represented to use the Damages Claims Portal (DCP) for claims within its scope.
Information on how to register with MyHMCTS can be found via this link.
The 150 th PD Update follows the 142 nd and 144 th PD Updates, which made provision to require represented claimants to use the DCP.
The Statutory Instrument (SI) is published via the legislation website and the online rules will be updated in due course.
The Civil Procedure (Amendment No. 2) Rules 2022 (enter into force variously, on 1st December in respect of Welsh Housing and on 1 st October in respect of all other amendments)
The SI contains Rule amendments in respect of:
149 th Practice Direction Update -(coming into force variously on 1 st October 2022 and 1 st December 2022)
The Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) is seeking your views.
As part of its project to try to simplify the rules; this being a statutory duty under s.2(7) of the Civil Procedure Act 1997, the Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) is seeking your views on proposed amendments to Part 20 and PD20 of the CPR.
If you wish to comment on the proposed changes, you should submit your comments by 23 rd September 2022 to: Please do not copy your responses to other email addresses and please state “Part 20” within the subject heading of your email.
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 148 th Practice Direction Update to the Civil Procedure Rules, which comes into force immediately, Wednesday, 1 st June 2022.
The 148 th Practice Direction Update revokes the 145 th Practice Direction Update, which amended PD 51ZB – The Damages Claims Pilot – to require legally represented defendants to use the Damages Claims Pilot for claims that fall within its scope.
The Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) is seeking your views.
As part of its project to try to simplify the rules; this being a statutory duty under s.2(7) of the Civil Procedure Act 1997, the Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) is seeking your views on proposed amendments to Part 17 (Amendments to Statement of Case) and Part 38 (Discontinuance) of the CPR.
If you wish to comment on the proposed changes, you should submit your comments by 21 June 2022 to: Please do not copy your responses to other email addresses and please state “Part 17 and 38” within the subject heading of your email.
The Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) is seeking your views.
As part of its project to try to simplify the rules; this being a statutory duty under s.2(7) of the Civil Procedure Act 1997, the Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) is seeking your views on proposed amendments to Part 19 and PD19 of the CPR.
If you wish to comment on the proposed changes, you should submit your comments by 5 July 2022 to: Please do not copy your responses to other email addresses and please state “Part 19” within the subject heading of your email.
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 145 th , 146 th and 147 th Practice Direction Updates to the Civil Procedure Rules, which come into force variously, as set out below.
The 145 th PD Update provides for:
Mandating use of the Damages Claims Portal (PD51ZB) where the defendant is legally represented, so that use of the DCP is mandatory for claims that come within its scope, namely, damages claims where both parties are legally represented and there are no more than three parties to the claim. This amendment comes into force on 2 nd June.
The 146 th PD Update provides for:
Extending the Online Civil Money Claims service (PD51R) to include the option whereby claims up to the value of £25,000 can be brought by a legally represented litigant against a legally represented litigant, in multi-party claims, up to a maximum of three parties. This amendment comes into force on 25 th May.
The 147 th PD Update provides for:
News: Practice Direction 51ZB – The Damages Claims Pilot (DCP):The Civil Procedure Rule Committee has approved the (145 th ) PD Update to require defendants who are legally represented to use the Damages Claims Portal (DCP) for claims within its scope, pending approval by the Master of the Rolls and Ministerial concurrence. This is due to come into force on 2 June 2022.
It includes the requirement for the defendant’s legal representative to register with MyHMCTS in order to access the system and receive notifications of claims.
The full PD Update is expected to be published soon. The online rules will then be updated accordingly.
This follows the 142 nd and 144 th PD Updates, which made provision to require represented claimants to use the DCP.
Your views are being sought on issues arising from the Civil Procedure Rule Committee’s consideration of the implementation of Fixed Recoverable Costs (FRC) in Civil Cases.
As part of its project to try to simplify the rules; this being a statutory duty under s.2(7) of the Civil Procedure Act 1997, the Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) is seeking your views.
The next set of proposed reforms being published for consultation concern CPR Part 49 (Specialist Proceedings). Some of the proposed changes have been mentioned in previous consultations (on Parts 3, 7 and 8).
Please submit any comments to by 23 May 2022.
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 144 th Practice Direction Update to the Civil Procedure Rules.
The amendments made by this Update came into force on Friday 1 st April and add further amendments to the suite of amendments made by the 142 nd Update to ensure that all of the intended amendments to PD 51ZB (The Damages Claims Pilot) made by that instrument come into force at the same time. In summary, the 144 th PD Update provides for the following:
The Master of the Rolls as Head of Civil Justice approves the amendments to—
(a) the Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury (Employers’ Liability and Public Liability) Claims; and
(b)the Pre-Action Protocol for Resolution of Package Travel Claims.
The amendments made by this instrument come into force on 6th April 2022 and are made in consequence of the Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2022 and the 140th PD Update within which amendments were made to increase the small claims track limit in non-road traffic PI claims from £1,000 to £1,500 to reflect the Ministerial Written Statement on 26 April 2021.
The necessary revisions to forms EL1, EL2, ELD1, ELD2, EPL3, EPL4, EPL5, EPL6 and 7, PL1 and PL2 are also being updated, so that the references to the value of the claim are amended from £1,000 to £1,500 in readiness of the 1st April 2022 in-force.
As part of its project to try to simplify the rules; this being a statutory duty under s.2(7) of the Civil Procedure Act 1997, the Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) is seeking your views.
The next set of proposed reforms being published for consultation concern CPR Part 14 (Admissions), Part 15 (Defence and Reply), and Part 16 (Statements of Case).
Please submit any comments to by 2nd May 2022.
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 142 nd and 143 rd Practice Direction Updates, which come into effect variously on 4 th April for the 142 nd Update and 22 nd March and 1 st June for the 143 rd Update.
The 142 nd Practice Direction Update provides for:
Amendments to PD 51ZB – Damages Claims Pilot (DCP) which require legally represented claimants in the County Court to use DCP for claims which come within the scope of PD 51ZB. The amendments take effect on 4 th April 2022. PD 51ZB currently operates as a pilot until 30 th April 2024 (unless extended).
The 143 rd PD Update provides for:
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 141 st Practice Direction Update to revoke Practice Direction (PD) 51S – The County Court Online Pilot
This amendment came into force at 11:00 a.m, 1 March 2022 and provides for the following:
The Civil Procedure Rule Committee has approved the (141 st ) PD Update to repeal PD51S (The County Court Online Pilot), pending approval by the Master of the Rolls and Ministerial concurrence. The update is expected to come into force soon. The online rules will then be updated accordingly.
As part of its project to try to simplify the rules; this being a statutory duty under s.2(7) of the Civil Procedure Act 1997, the Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) is seeking your views.
The next set of proposed reforms being published for consultation concern CPR Part 7 (How to start Proceedings – the Claim Form) and Part 8 (Alternative Proceedings for Claims).
Please submit any comments to by 5PM, Thursday 24 th March.
The Statutory Instrument (SI) is published via the legislation website and the online rules will be updated in due course.
The Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2022 (enter into force on 6 th April 202)
The SI contains Rule amendments in respect of:
Digital Notice of Change – CPR Part 2 and Part 42 is amended to reflect a new definition of ‘filing’ and introducing a new definition for ‘My HMCTS’ (an online system) to allow notices of change of solicitor to be filed online.
Acknowledgement of Service – a replacement to CPR Part 10, which reflects current work by the Committee to simplify and condense the Rules. These changes remove PD10 and remove other text, to consolidate in the substantive Rules. This follows a six-week public consultation which closed 12 November.
Default Judgment – Part 12, which also reflects work on brevity and simplification of the Rules, the changes remove the supplementing PD12 to incorporate procedure into the substantive Rules. This was subject to the same public consultation referred to above.
Small Claims Track limit – Part 26 is amended to increase the small claims track limit in non-road traffic PI claims from £1,000 to £1,500. This reflects the Ministerial Written Statement on 26 April 2021.
There are a suite of consequential amendments that flow from this in the SI (to Parts 16 (statements of case), Part 26 (case management), Part 27 (small claims) and Part 45 (fixed costs).
Anonymisation – Part 39 is amended to widen the application of granting anonymity (to a person) rather than the current “party or witness” in response to case law Brearley v Higgs & Sons (a Firm) [2021] EWHC 1342 (Ch).
Authorised Costs Officers – changes to Part 47 with regard to the powers of an authorised costs officer, for clarificatory purposes. The issues were highlighted by PME v Scouts [2019] EWHC 3421 QB and PME v Scouts [2019] EWHC B10 (Costs).
Anti-Social Behaviour (ASBI) – changes to CPR 65 in response to a Civil Justice Council report and their recommendation on legal advice.
Tidying up – a minor change to Part 1 on the Overriding Objective to remove the word “new”, since the CPR is no longer new. Changes to Planning Court (Part 54) proceedings, arise from the simplification work to consolidate the planning PD provisions; a new PD ‘lifts and shifts’ provisions previously provided for in various PDs, into one focused area. The Rule change reflects a new PD number.
140 th Practice Direction Update (coming into force variously from 1 st February 2022 in respect of PD51O Electronic Working Pilot Scheme; 14 th February 2022 in respect of PD75 Traffic Enforcement and 6 th April 2022 in respect of all other amendments)
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Justice have signed the PD Update. It provides for amendments in respect of:
Vulnerability – protections for vulnerable parties arising from the civil provisions in the Domestic Abuse Act 2021, are provided for in PD1A.
A suite of updated forms are expected to be launched on GOV.UK’s Form Finder in due course.
Civil Restraint Orders (PD3C) to increase the maximum term of the CRO from two to three years.
Digital Notice of Change (PD4 (forms), PD 42 (change of solicitor) and PD51ZB (damages claims pilot) to introduce a process for filing a digital Notice of Change of Solicitor.
Small Claims Track limit – in consequence of the above (SI) amendments, revisions are made to PD4 (on forms) and PD7A (how to start proceedings and the claim form).
Acknowledgement of Service (PD10) & Default Judgment (PD12) to delete the PDs in consequence of the amendments provided for above (in the SI).
Planning Provisions – a “lift and shift” exercise to consolidate all the PD rules on planning into one place.
Electronic Working – amendments to: PD51O to extend the pilot for a further 12 months to enable final roll out of the project for eFiling; to PD23A (applications), PD25A (interim injunctions), Competition Act – Warrants PD and the Civil Recovery PD to update the language regarding electronic communication and to reflect more accurately current and future practice.
Other Technical Changes and Tidying Up within 140 th PD Update:
Imaging Orders (PD25A) in response to the judgment in TBD v. Simons [2020] EWCA Civ 1182 to ensure consistency of practice and adherence of safeguards. A new example form of Order, which can be modified in individual cases is annexed to PD25A. It is a model form of Order and not a prescribed form under PD4. It is expected to be available on GOV.UK’s Form Finder in due course.
Authorised Costs Officers (PD47) to update and clarify the Rules in response to caselaw PME -v- Scouts [2019] EWHC 3421 QB);
Traffic Enforcement (PD75) technical changes in consequence of amendments to be made by the Littering From Vehicles Outside London (Keepers: Civil Penalties) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 (these amendments come into force on the 14th of February 2022, to coincide with the coming into force of new regulations.)
Forms (PD4) a suite of amendments in consequence of the changes made in this update cycle.
An updated suite of Commercial Court Forms (comprising some existing forms that have been revised, together with a collation of new forms) for use in the Commercial Court, the London Circuit Commercial Court and the Regional Circuit Commercial Court respectively are now available on GOV.UK Form Finder here: Commercial Court forms – GOV.UK ( on here: CPR, Guides and Forms | Courts and Tribunals Judiciary
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 139 th Practice Direction Update to amend Practice Direction (PD) 51R – Online Civil Money Claims.
This amendment came into force at 11 a.m, 25 th January 2022 and provides for the following:
As part of its project to try to simplify the rules; this being a statutory duty under s.2(7) of the Civil Procedure Act 1997, the Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) is seeking your views.
The next set of proposed reforms being published for consultation concern CPR Part 2 (Application and Interpretation of the Rules), Part 3 (the Court’s Case Management Powers), and Part 4 (Forms).
Please submit any comments to by 11 February 2022.
Read more on this, including how to submit your comments, via the below link:
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 138 th Practice Direction Update to amend Practice Direction (PD) 51R – Online Civil Money Claims.
These amendments are effective immediately, having come into force at 11 a.m, 8 th December 2021 and provide the following:
PD 51R – Online Civil Money Claims (OCMC) Pilot:
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 137 th Practice Direction Update to amend Practice Direction (PD) 51O – Electronic Working Pilot Scheme, PD 51U – Disclosure Pilot for the Business and Property Courts and PD 55C – Coronavirus: Temporary Provisions in Relation to Possession Proceedings.
The amendments are effective immediately, having entered into force on the 12 th November 2021.
The amendments will provide for the following:
The Master of the Rolls as Head of Civil Justice has approved amendments to the Pre-Action Protocol for Personal Injury Claims below the Small Claims Limit in Road Traffic Accidents (“The RTA Small Claims Protocol”).
The PAP Update provides amendments to the procedure on the Official Injury Claim portal:
*A change to the definition of compensator to apply the definition to an organisation or business which is handling claims itself;
*Changes to the procedure for going to court in cases involving RTA Insurers or Article 75 Insurers where neither party provides an address for the defendant, so that such cases drop out of the portal; and
*Changes to the process for cases where the compensator accepts fault but initially disputes that the accident caused the claimant’s injury, then later accepts causation – in such circumstances the compensator will be treated as admitting liability.
The Protocol was first published in the Schedule to the PAP Update, approved by the Master of the Rolls on 18th February 2021. The amendments come into force on 1 December 2021.
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 136 th Practice Direction Update to amend the Disclosure Pilot for the Business and Property Courts, to be governed by PD 51U whichis currently in operation until 31 st December 2022.
The PD is effective from 1 November 2021.
The amendments will provide for the following changes:
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 135 th Practice Direction Update to amend the Online Civil Money Claims Pilot, to be governed by PD 51R which is currently in operation until 30 th November 2023.
The PD is effective from 11am on 1 November 2021.
The amendments have 3 main purposes:
The Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) is seeking your views.
The CPRC has commenced a new project to try to simplify the rules; this being a statutory duty under s.2(7) of the Civil Procedure Act 1997. The work is being conducted by a sub-committee chaired by Mr Justice Kerr which is approaching its task in a phased way over the next 12-24 months. In doing so, the CPRC has resolved to commence a rolling programme of consultation whereby drafting proposals are published for comment before changes are introduced. It is important to note that proposed changes to the CPR will be focused on drafting amendments and not substantive changes. Some proposals may relocateor dispense with provisions altogether. Read more on this, including how to submit your comments, via the below link:
The Master of the Rolls and the Courts Minister have signed the PD Update.
The 134th PD Update – Practice Direction 51R, Online Civil Money Claims Pilot (OCMC). Insert link (Due to commence 20th July 2021)
PD51R – OCMC Pilot – updates the PD to expressly provide for the following circumstances in relation to paper responses:
The statutory instrument is published via the Legislation website and the online rules will be updated in due course.
The Civil Procedure (Amendment No. 4) Rules 2021 (enter into force on 7 th August 2021 in respect of CPR 83.8A(2) and from 1 st October 2021 in respect of all other amendments)
The SI contains Rule amendments in respect of:
133 rd Practice Direction Update (coming into force variously from 18 th July 2021 and 1 st October 2021)
The Master of the Rolls and the Courts Minister have signed the PD Update. It provides for amendments in respect of:
The Civil Procedure Rule Committee is seeking views on the operation of PD51X Statement of Costs for Summary Assessment Pilot and forms N260A and N260B. Please complete the online survey by 30July 2021.
The Master of the Rolls and Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the 132 nd Practice Direction Update to introduce a new pilot scheme for Damages Claims Online (DCO) to be governed by the PD 51ZB.
The PD is effective from 28 May 2021.
The main changes effected by this PD Update are to:
The Master of the Rolls as Head of Civil Justice has approved amendments to the Pre-Action Protocol for Personal Injury Claims Below the Small Claims Limit in Road Traffic Accidents (“the Protocol”).
The Protocol was first published in the Schedule to the PAP Update, approved by the Master of the Rolls on 18th February 2021 (see below). The amendments come into force on 12th May 2021.
The Statutory Instrument is being published via the Legislation website. The on-line rules/web site will also be updated accordiingly.
Civil Procedure (Amendment No.3) Rules 2021 (enter into force no later than 31 May 2021). The SI contains rule amendments in respect of.
The 131 st Practice Direction Update(coming into force variously from today, 05 May 2021 and 31May 2021)
The Master of the Rolls and the Courts Minister have signed the PD Update.
The 131 st PD Update providesamendments in two respects:
Forms – The following forms have been either created or modified as part of this update:
A revised suite of Judicial Review forms in consequence of the reformed PDs supplementing CPR Part 54 will be published online ( in due course.
A suite of Practice Directions supplementing CPR Part 54 (Judicial Review) which have been revised in consequence of developments in caselaw and practice. CPR Part 54 is supplemented by four PDs (54A, 54C, 54D and 54E (PD 54B having previously been revoked)). The amendments provide for the addition of a new Practice Direction 54B to make provision in relation to urgent cases, and the revocation of PD 54C (which is now obsolete), with consequential renumbering of Practice Directions 54D and 54E as 54C and 54D, together with some modernisation and “tidying up” of drafting in what become 54C and 54D. The main changes lie in a recasting of PD54A, prompted by concerns expressed by the Court of Appeal in a number of cases (most recently, R(Dolan and others) v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care [2020] EWCA Civ 1605, in particular at §§116 – 121) that pleadings and Skeleton Arguments in public law cases have become too lengthy and too complex. A Welsh Language version of the reformed PDs is available below:
Cyfarwyddyd Ymarfer 54A – Adolygiad Barnwrol (PDF)
The Master of the Rolls and the Courts Minister have signed the 130 th Practice Direction Update to make technical changes to the operation of the Online Civil Money Claims (OCMC) Pilot, PD51R and the County Court Online Pilot Scheme, PD51S.
The PD is effective from 11am, 24 th May 2021.
The main changes effected by this PD Update are to:
PD51R – Online Civil Money Claims (OCMC) Pilot Scheme:
PD51S – The County Court Online Pilot Scheme:
The Statutory Instrument is published via the Legislation website at:
The on-line rules/web site will also be updated accordingly.
This SI contains rule changes in respect of:
The small claims track limit– rule 26.6 is amended to increase the small claims track (SCT) limit for personal injury claims arising from a road traffic accident (RTA) to £5,000. The new limit will apply to claims where the accident occurs on or after 31 May 2021. This limit applies to the figure for pain, suffering and loss of amenity for the injury alone. The overall SCT limit for the value of all parts of the claim remains at £10,000. For RTAs before 31 May 2021 and for employer’s liability and public liability accidents and all other injury claims before and after that date, the SCT injury limit remains at £1,000.
There are other exceptions to the new £5,000 limit, these are all categories of cases excluded from the RTA Small Claims Protocol and new Official Injury Claims Service. These are:
Practice Direction 27B – rule 27.2 is amended to enable a rule or practice direction to require or permit a particular procedure to be used under Part 27 (the Small Claims Track) and to disapply or modify rules made under Part 27. New PD 27B is made under this rule. Where proceedings are started under this Practice Direction, new rule 26.5A provides that the claim shall be treated as if it has been allocated to the SCT
The RTA Small Claims Protocol – a claim for personal injuries arising from a road traffic accident on or after 31 May 2021 and which is subject to the increase in the small claims track limit, should be started under the RTA Small Claims Protocol. In certain circumstances, the Protocol may no longer apply to the claim, for example where the claim for damages for injuries is valued at more than £5,000. In those cases, new rule 45.29N provides that the fixed recoverable costs provisions in Section IIIA of Part 45 will apply to the claim as if it had been started under the RTA Protocol. However, where a successful claimant has not proceeded under, or has not complied with, the RTA Small Claims Protocol, new rule 45.29M enables the court to order a defendant to pay the claimant no more than the costs which they may recover under new Practice Direction 27B.
Medical reports in whiplash claims: rule 35.4 is amended to specify the medical evidence that may be obtained in respect of a claim for a road traffic accident related personal injury claim which consists of, or includes, a claim for a whiplash injury where the court gives its permission. In most cases that evidence must be a fixed cost medical report sourced via the MedCo Portal. This reflects requirements in respect of medical evidence to be obtained under the RTA Small Claims Protocol. Exceptions exist, however, where the claimant lives outside England and Wales, or where the claimant suffers a more serious injury as well as a whiplash injury, in which case permission may be given to use that report.
Consequential amendments: in light of the amendments to rule 26.6, rule 16.6 is amended to require a claimant to specify on their claim form whether they expect to recover, as general damages for pain, suffering and loss of amenity, not more or more than £5,000, where the claim is for personal injuries arising from a road traffic accident which occurs on or after 31 May 2021. Rule 14.1B is amended to extend that rule to cover admissions made under the RTA Small Claims Protocol. Rule 46.14 is amended to ensure that the procedure specified in that rule, which concerns pre-issue entitlement to costs, is not used for disputes arising under the RTA Small Claims Protocol and that the procedure in Practice Direction 27B for dealing with costs disputes is used.
Forms – The following forms have been either created or modified as part of this update:
Please note that various changes to prescribed court forms are being made in consequence of these reforms and are published on GOV.UK.
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed the PD Update
The amendments made by the 129th PD Update concern:
Practice Direction 7A – How to Start Proceedings – the Claim Form: these amendments are consequential upon the increase in the small claims track limit to £5,000, subject to exceptions specified in Part 26 of the Rules, for road traffic accident (RTA) related personal injury claims where the RTA occurs on or after 31 May 2021
Practice Direction 16 – Statements of Case: the insertion of paragraph 4.3B, which specifies the medical evidence that must be included with the particulars of claim, is intended to address claims for whiplash injuries which are made outside the court procedures specified in Practice Direction 27B. The amendment to paragraph 4.3A(2), sets out the full title of the relevant Pre-Action Protocol, which currently appears in its abbreviated form only.
Practice Direction 27 – The Small Claims Track: this Practice Direction is renumbered in anticipation of new Practice Direction 27B coming into force
Practice Direction 27B – Claims Under the Pre-Action Protocol for Personal Injury Claims Below the Small Claims Limit in Road Traffic Accidents – Court Procedure: this Practice Direction sets out the procedure by which a dispute (or part of a dispute) not resolved through the Pre-Action Protocol for Personal Injury Claims Below the Small Claims Limit in Road Traffic Accidents is resolved by the court. It performs for the Small Claims Protocol, broadly the same function performed by Practice Direction 8B for the Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury Claims in Road Traffic Accidents. Like that Practice Direction, it modifies provisions of the CPR.
Practice Direction 35 – Experts and Assessors: these amendments widen the scope of paragraph 2.6(being part of the general requirements regarding expert evidence), which currently applies to medical evidence in soft-tissue injury claims only, to include claims which consist of, or include, a claim for a whiplash injury.
Schedule: Practice Direction 27B – Claims Under the Pre-Action Protocol for Personal Injury Claims Below the Small Claims Limit in Road Traffic Accidents – Court Procedure: PD27B is set out as schedule to this update.
Pre-Action Protocols- The following PAPs have been either created or modified as part of this update:
The PAP Update covers:
The new Pre-Action Protocol for Personal Injury Claims Below the Small Claims Limit in Road Traffic Accidents: the RTA Small Claims Protocol, supported by the online Service, provides the framework for claimants, whether represented or not, in making and settling low value road traffic accident related personal injury claims at the pre-action stage. It is anticipated that the user should not need to routinely refer to the Protocol in order to progress the claim. Instead, they will be guided by the online Service, which strives to improve accessibility and efficiency by simplifying the procedure while not going beyond what is permitted in the Protocol. There will also be separate guidance for the user to assist them where necessary and claimants who are unable to use the online Service may seek assistance from a dedicated support centre.
And amendments to –
The Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury Claims in Road Traffic Accidents From 31st July 2013: these amendments are consequential upon the coming into force of amendments to Part 26 of the CPR regarding changes to the small claims track limit for claims for personal injuries arising from road traffic accidents where the accident occurs on or after 31 May 2021, and the Whiplash Injury Regulations 2021, which sets a tariff of damages for RTA related whiplash injuries, as defined by the Civil Liability Act 2018, and for whiplash injuries and any minor psychological injuries suffered on the same occasion as a whiplash injury, and the ban on the settlement of claims for whiplash injuries without first seeing appropriate evidence of the whiplash injury.
The Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury (Employers’ Liability Public Liability) Claims: this amendment is consequential upon the coming into force of amendments to Part 26 of the CPR regarding changes to the small claims track limit for claims for personal injuries arising from road traffic accidents where the accident occurs on or after 31 May 2021.
The Pre-Action Protocol for Personal Injury Claims: these amendments are consequential upon the coming into force of amendments to Part 26 of the CPR regarding changes to the small claims track limit for claims for personal injuries arising from road traffic accidents where the accident occurs on or after 31 May 2021, and the Whiplash Injury Regulations 2021, which sets a tariff of damages for RTA related whiplash injuries, as defined by the Civil Liability Act 2018 and for whiplash injuries and any minor psychological injuries suffered on the same occasion as a whiplash injury, and the ban on the settlement of claims for whiplash injuries without first seeing appropriate evidence of the whiplash injury.
The Master of the Rolls and the Courts Minister have signed the 128 th Practice Direction Update to provide for further functionalities within the Online Civil Money Claims (OCMC) Pilot, PD51R.
The PD is effective immediately i.e. from 11am, 25 th February 2021. The pilot PD 51R currently runs until 30 November 2021.
The PD Update provides for the following:
The Statutory Instrument is being published via the Legislation website at: The on-line rules/web site will also be updated accordingly.
Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2021 enter into force 06 April 2021.
This SI contains rule changes in respect of:
The Master of the Rolls and the Courts Minister have signed the PD Update.
The amendments made by the 127th PD Update concern:
Forms – The following forms have been either created or modified as part of this update:
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State have signed the 126 th Practice Direction (PD) Update.
The 126 th PD Update amends an earlier PD Update (the 107 th ) which makes amendments to various PDs in consequence of EU Exit and is due to come into force at the same time as the Civil Procedure Rules 1998 (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (S.I. 2019/521) which comes into force on Implementation (IP) completion day (11.00 p.m. on 31 December 2020). The new amendments are minor modifications to ensure, or consequential on changes made to existing EU Exit instruments to ensure, alignment with the Withdrawal Agreement.
The changes effected by this PD Update are to:
These amendments are to cater for the provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement which provide for the European Commission to have continued competence after IP completion day in relation to certain matters which took place or were commenced before IP completion day. Where the Withdrawal Agreement does not apply, those matters will become matters within the competence of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). The 107 th Update makes amendments so that the procedural provisions of certain PDs refer to the CMA rather than the Commission. This new transitional provision disapplies those amendments for the transitional cases where the Commission continues to have competence, so that for those cases, the relevant PDs will refer to the Commission.
This simply changes a reference to “exit day” in an amendment made by the 107 th Update so that it refers to “IP completion day”, consistently with the Withdrawal Agreement and the changes made by the European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020.
The amendments made by the 107 th Update to PD 52D (Statutory Appeals and Appeals subject to Special Provisions) and PD – Competition Law (Claims relating to the application of Articles 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty and Chapters I and II of Part I of the Competition Act 1998) are updated to reflect the CMA’s correct address.
These amendments are made to cater for the fact that, as a result of the Withdrawal Agreement, provision made by the State Aid (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 will no longer be required, and those Regulations are withdrawn. Accordingly, it removes from the amendments made by the 107 th Update references to the 2019 Regulations and provision catering for the operation of those Regulations, which are no longer required.
The Master of the Rolls and the Courts Minister have signed the 125th Practice Direction Update to provide for further functionalities within the Online Civil Money Claims (OCMC) Pilot, PD51R.
The PD is effective immediately i.e. from 11am, 16th November 2020. The pilot PD 51R currently runs until 30 November 2021.
The main changes effected by this PD Update are to:
The Civil Procedure (Amendment No.5) (Coronavirus) Rules 2020have been laid before Parliament.This follows the Lord Chancellor giving written notice to the Civil Procedure Rule Committee under s. 3A Civil Procedure Act 1997 that he thought it expedient that the Committee include provision in the rules that would extend the stay on possession proceedings.
The rules amend the Civil Procedure Rules 1998 Part 55 to extend the existing stay on all possession proceedings brought under this Part and all enforcement proceedings by way of writ or warrant of possession. In consequence, the Civil Procedure (Amendment No. 3) Rules 2020 are also amended to align the coming into force of some provisions with the new end date of the extended stay.
The rules, which come into force on Saturday 22 August, extend the existing stay for four weeks, to 20 September 2020, with the intention of avoiding any gap in the operation of the stay on possession proceedings and providing for a short extension to allow time for final preparations and procedural arrangements to be made for the resumption of possession cases in the courts, with a view to ensuring that the civil justice system is accessible, fair and efficient.
The enabling Statutory Instrument will be published via the Legislation website here: The on-line rules/web site will then be updated accordingly.
The related PD amendments are contained in the 124 th Practice Direction Update which the Master of the Rolls and the Lord Chancellor have both signed the PD Update:
Civil Procedure (Amendment No. 4) (Coronavirus) Rules 2020(coming into force on 23 August 2020)
The Statutory Instrument is being published via the Legislation website at: The on-line rules/web site will also be updated accordingly.
This follows The Civil Procedure (Amendment No.2) (Coronavirus) Rules 2020, which came into effect on 25 June 2020 and amended the Civil Procedure Rules 1998 Part 55 to provide for a stay of all possession proceedings brought under this Part and all enforcement proceedings by way of writ or warrant of possession which expires on 23 August 2020.
The Civil Procedure (Amendment No. 4) (Coronavirus) Rules 2020 provides for a further amendment to CPR Part 55 to introduce a new temporary Practice Direction (Practice Direction 55C) for how claims under this Part (including appeals) are to proceed following the expiry of the stay provided for by rule 55.29. The provisions relate partly to the resumption of proceedings following lifting of the stay and partly to new cases issued after the stay has ceased.
123 rd Practice Direction Update (coming into force on 23 rd August 2020)
The Master of the Rolls and the Lord Chancellor have signed the PD Update.
In consequence of the Civil Procedure (Amendment No. 4) (Coronavirus) Rules 2020, above, a new Practice Direction, PD55C is introduced. The main changes are:
Forms – The following forms have been either created or modified as part of this update:
Given the temporary and urgent nature of the changes, no existing possession proceedings forms are being modified, nor any new forms being introduced, as a result of the new PD55C.
The Statutory Instrument is being published via the Legislation website at: The on-line rules/web site will also be updated accordingly.
Civil Procedure (Amendment No. 3) Rules 2020(coming into force on different dates for different provisions, mostly on 1 October 2020, but with some provisions coming into force on 23August 2020, & some immediately after the amendments made to Part 34 by the Civil Procedure Rules 1998 (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (S.I. 2019/521) (which will be 31 December 2020).
The SI contains rule changes in respect of:
The Master of the Rolls and the Lord Chancellor have signed the PD Update.
The PD Update concerns:
Forms – The following forms have been either created or modified as part of this update:
Other news
Amendments to Practice Direction 51Z to Stay Possession Proceedings and The Civil Procedure (Amendment No.2) (Coronavirus) Rules 2020
The Master of the Rolls and the Lord Chancellor have signed an Amending Practice Direction, which amends Practice Direction 51Z in relation to possession proceedings during the Coronavirus pandemic.
PD51Z came into effect on 27 March 2020 (under the 117 th PD Update), suspending possession proceedings brought under CPR Part 55 for a period of 90 days to 25 June 2020. An Amending Practice Direction (under the 120 th PD Update) was further issued to clarify elements of PD51Z on 18 April 2020.
Now, following a review, the 121 st PD Update is being issued, intended to provide for two further clarifying amendments effecting the existing stay under PD51Z.
The Amending PD is effective immediately ie from today, 10 June 2020
The amendments are intended to clarify that:
The Civil Procedure (Amendment No.2) (Coronavirus) Rules 2020 has been laid before Parliament. It followed the Lord Chancellor giving written notice to the Civil Procedure Rule Committee under s. 3A Civil Procedure Act 1997 that he thought it expedient that the Committee include provision that would extend the stay on possession proceedings imposed by Practice Direction 51Z for a period of eight weeks and to address points of detail that have arisen during the course of the operation of the pilot Practice Direction 51Z.
The rules will temporarily amend the Civil Procedure Rules 1998 Part 55 to stay all possession proceedings brought under this Part and all enforcement proceedings by way of writ or warrant of possession.
It is intended to:
The enabling Statutory Instrument will be published via the Legislation website in due course at: The on-line rules/web site will then be updated accordingly.
Please note that the web link quoted in PD 51S at paragraph 1.5 ( is out of date. The new web link to the website that hosts “the County Court Online” can be found at : For completeness, this web link will be formally reflected in the PD in due course.
Amendments to Practice Direction 51Z to Stay Possession Proceedings
The Master of the Rolls and the Lord Chancellor have signed an Amending Practice Direction, which amends Practice Direction 51Z (PD) in relation to possession proceedings during the Coronavirus pandemic; PD51Z was first issued by way of the 117 th Practice Direction Update on 27 March 2020.
The Amending PD is effective immediately ie from today, 18/04/2020
The amendments are intended to clarify that:
The Master of the Rolls and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice have signed amendments to Practice Direction 51R in relation to the Online Civil Money Claims (OCMC) pilot scheme.
The PD amendments made by this Update came into force on 14 April 2020 and apply in relation to all claims submitted to the court on or after 11.00 a.m. on that date.
The main changes effected by this PD are to:
The Master of the Rolls and the Lord Chancellor have signed Practice Direction 51ZA (PD) principally in relation to the extension of time limits during the Coronavirus pandemic.
The PD is effective immediately ie from today, 2 April 2020
The main changes effected by this PD are:
The position will remain under review.
For the avoidance of doubt, this PD does not change the operation of the provisions of PD51Z (set out under the 117th PD Update on 27 March 2020) which provides for the 90 days stay concerning possession proceedings.
New Practice Direction 51Z to Stay Possession Proceedings
The Master of the Rolls and the Lord Chancellor have signed Practice Direction 51Z (PD) in relation to possession proceedings during the Coronavirus pandemic. It follows the Coronavirus Act 2020 emergency legislation and complements the provisions therein to prevent imminent evictions and delay possession proceedings.
The PD is effective immediately ie from today, 27th March 2020
The main changes effected by this PD are:
New Practice Direction 51Y
The Master of the Rolls and the Lord Chancellor have signed Practice Direction 51Y (PD) in relation to video or audio hearings during the Coronavirus pandemic. It is a technical amendment, which clarifies the manner in which the court may exercise its discretion to conduct hearings remotely in private. It also clarifies what steps the court may make to ensure access by the public to remote hearings that have been held in private through making available audio or video recordings of those hearings at a time when the courts are operating normally.
The PD is introduced as a pilot scheme under CPR Pt 51. It is intended to formalise the PD through a rule amendment at the earliest opportunity. It will remain in force for no longer than the Coronavirus Bill is intended to remain in force.
The main changes effected by this PD:
Amendments to Practice Directions are contained, respectively, in the 114 th and 115 th Updates to the Civil Procedure Rules.
The changes in the 114 th PD Update come into force 24 February 2020 and the changes in the 115 th PD Update come into force on 06 April 2020.
An explanatory note is below and the full PD Updates are accessible via:
The amendments and commencement dates are:
114th Practice Direction Update (effective on 24th February 2020)
This provides for changes to PD 51R Online Civil Money Claims (OCMC) Pilot as follows:
115th Practice Direction Update (effective on 2nd March 2020)
This provides for changes to PD 51V Video Hearing Pilot Scheme as follows:
Recommences the Video Hearings Pilot, which was set up to test a procedure for applications to set aside default judgments entered under CPR Part 12 to be heard by the court via an internet-enabled video link (“a video hearing”) in Birmingham or Manchester Civil Justice Centres. The original pilot ran from 30th November 2018 to 30th November 2019.
HM Courts & Tribunal Service is keen to continue testing hearings to allow them to gain further insight into users’ experience of a fully video hearing. The terms of the new PD are fundamentally the same as the existing PD51V, save for one change, that an ‘opt out’ rather than an ‘opt in’ condition is incorporated for represented parties.
The PD Update allows for the pilot to run to 30 November 2020.
Amendments to Practice Directions are contained in the 113 th Update to the Civil Procedure Rules. The changes come into force variously on 31 March 2020 and 06 April 2020.
An explanatory note is below and the full PD Update accessible via this link:
Please also note that the Statutory Instrument (SI) detailing rule changes is anticipated to be effective variously from 30 th March 2020 and 06 April 2020. However, this is subject to Parliamentary approval and will, ultimately be published via the Legislation website When approved the on-line rules/web site will be updated accordingly.
The amendments and commencement dates are expected to be:
SI (anticipated to be effective variously on 30 March 2020 & 06 April 2020) to contains rule changes in respect of:
113 th PD Update (effective variously on 31 st March 2020 & 06 April 2020) contains changes in respect of:
One of the drivers for the review of these forms was the introduction of the Tenant Fees Act 2019 (in June 2019) which also led to the rule changes set out within the SI above, to be effective from 06 April 2020. Consequential changes are therefore being made to the following Housing Possession related forms. The revised forms will be issued under separate cover, thus:
Pursuant to the resolution of the November 2019 CPRC meeting the Master of the Rolls has approved the following with a commencement date of 13 January 2020.
A summary is below and the full PAP amendments are available on the Justice website.
Pre Action Protocols -The following PAPs have been either created or modified as part of this update:
The PAP Update covers:
Further communications will be issued in or around February 2020 to detail the next “mainstream” CPR Update, which, subject to Parliamentary approval is due to come in to force in/around April 2020.
Form N260B: An issue was brought to the attention of the CPRC Costs Sub Committee where the ‘Trial Total’ in cell 86H was being incorrectly calculated. This issue has now been corrected and an updated version of form N260B is on the Justice website. However, for future reference, the ‘Guidance’ Tab contains directions on how to make adjustments to the form yourself if any other operational issues come to light.
An explanatory note is below and the full PD Update accessible via this link:
112 th Practice Direction Update (effective from 28 November 2019) to the Civil Procedure Rules:
Amendments to Practice Directions are contained in the 111th Update to the Civil Procedure Rules and are effective from 11am on 09 September 2019.
A summary is below and the full PD Update accessible via this link:
The amendments provide for the following:
The OCMC service went live to the public in March 2018. It offers a digitial service for specified money claims not exceeding £10k. Over the course of the pilot, the OCMC project has added additional features to the claim process, which has necessitated various past updates to PD51R. These changes have included amendments to allow testing on selected claims of a full/part admission stage of a civil money claim, including a formula calculator to capture and assess a defendant’s means, and provision for the defendant to state they have already paid in full the amount claimed.
The CCO Project went live in September 2017. It offers a digital service for specified and unspecified money claims. This alternative service for professional users is available to legal representatives on an invitation-only basis, and is less advanced than the OCMC Project and is governed by Practice Direction 51S.
Changes to PD 51R Online Civil Money Claims (OCMC) Pilot:
None associated with this update, save for the introduction and modification of an online DQ within OCMC, see above for further details.
Amendments to Practice Directions are contained in the 110th Update to the Civil Procedure Rules and are effective from 07 October 2019.
A summary is below and the full PD Update accessible via this link:
The amendments provide for the following:
The changes are, therefore, modest and straightforward. Essentially, adding the SCCO to the list of jurisdictions to which the pilot Practice Direction 51O applies, and indicates the applicable start and end dates.
The existing scheme under PD51O came in by way of the 100th PD Update which introduced a pilot scheme for electronic working in the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court and that became effective from 1st January 2019, operating until 6th April 2020. The out-of-London Business and Property Court centres were added by way of the 105th PD Update on 25th February 2019.
The SCCO is part of the High Court. Broadly, it assesses the costs and expenses incurred in civil litigation in order to decide how much (i) a successful party can recover from their opponent (ii) a barrister or solicitor can recover from public funds (iii) a client should have to pay their solicitor. The SCCO can reduce these costs and expenses if necessary. It also deals with Appeals against costs decisions made by the Legal Aid Agency.
The SCCO jurisdiction includes some proceedings which are not governed by the CPR (for example Court of Protection and Criminal cases) and they will be the subject of a Practice Note by the Senior Costs Judge; consequently they are not part of this PD Update.
None associated with this update.
*The Civil Procedure Rule Committee Secretariat is now operating a new email address. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the secretariat via
*The next series of adaptions to the Online Civil Money Claims Pilot scheme (PD51R and consequential changes to PD51S) is due out imminently and possibly for immediate effect. It is therefore anticipated to be the 111th PD Update and will be issued in the usual way, once approved.
Since the April 2019 release of forms N260A and N260B in support of the Costs for Summary Assessment Pilot Scheme PD51X within the 104 th PD Update, the forms have been further modified in response to user feedback.
Forms N260A (which applies when the costs have been incurred on an interim application) and N260B (which applies when the costs have been incurred up to trial) have been revised and updated. In summary, the Civil Procedure Rule Committee’s Costs Sub Committee have:
Amendments to Practice Directions are contained in the 109th Update to the Civil Procedure Rules and associated Pre Action Protocol Amendments.
A summary is below and the full PD Update accessible via this link:
The PAP amendments are accessible via this/these link/s:
The amendments cover:
The following forms have been either created or modified as part of this update:
The form, ‘HIGH COURT & COURT OF APPEAL PRIVACY INJUNCTIONS STATISTICS FORM’ has been updated. The form is to be completed at hearings where an Order is sought in civil proceedings which seeks to restrain the publication of information and to which Practice Direction PD40F on Non-Disclosure Orders Information Collection Scheme applies. The form is provided online as an Annex within PD40F.
The following PAPs have been either created or modified as part of this update:
The amendment of the Pre-Action Protocol for Judicial Review, and the substitution, for the Pre-Action Protocol for Defamation Claims, of the Pre-Action Protocol for Media and Communications Claims, are approved by the Master of the Rolls as Head of Civil Justice.
The amendments to the Pre-Action Protocol for Judicial Review come into force on 17th September 2019;
The substituted Pre-Action Protocol for Media and Communications Claims comes into force on 1st October 2019.
The related Statutory Instrument (Civil Procedure (Amendment No.3) 2019) contains rule changes in respect of:
This rule change simply replaces the current CPR Part 53 (Defamation Claims) with a new Part 53 to provide for the Media and Communications List. There are also various consequential changes to the related Practice Directions, as detailed below and within the associated PAP Amendment (also attached).
The SI can be seen at the following link and is anticipated to be effective from 01 October 2019. However, I respectfully highlight that this is subject to Parliamentary approval. When approved the on-line rules/web site will be updated accordingly:
Amendments to Practice Directions are contained in the 108th Update to the Civil Procedure Rules.
A summary is below and the full PD Update is accessible via this link:
The amendments cover:
108th Practice Direction Update (effective from 31 July 2019) provides for a new legal provision, enabling families and friends of missing people to look after their property and financial affairs.
Proceedings for guardianship will be regulated by the Civil Procedure Rules and Practice Direction 57C.
The Practice Direction, supplements the Rules of Court, by providing additional information and instructions, setting out in more detail the specific procedure to be followed by the court for the appointment of a guardian (“guardianship orders”), the variation of a guardianship order (“variation orders”) and the revocation of a guardianship order (“revocation orders”). One example would be providing more details for applicants on the material they should be including in their witness statement in support of their application for guardianship.
A Code of Practice will also be published to provide further advice on both the application process and also for those appointed guardian or working with them.
Please also note that the associated SI can be viewed via this link and is subject to Parliamentary approval:
This legislation is in addition to the usual twice-yearly CPR updates, specifically in order to regulate proceedings under the Guardianship (Missing Persons) Act 2017 and is anticipated to be effective from 31 July 2019
None associated with this update.
Amendments to Practice Directions are contained in the 107th Update to the Civil Procedure Rules, but they will only come into force if and when the Civil Procedure Rules 1998 (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (SI 2019/521) comes into force. A summary is below and the full PD Update is accessible via this link:
The amendments cover:
The 107th PD Update provides for related No Deal EU Exit implications and will only come into force if and when the Civil Procedure Rules 1998 (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 SI 2019/521 come into force, which can be viewed at:
The 107th PD Update provides for amendments to remove provisions from Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) related Practice Directions which relate to powers, processes and orders under EU Instruments or Treaties which will no longer be applicable or available when those Instruments or Treaties are revoked by the EU Withdrawal Act or the Statutory Instruments (SI) made under it, or in some cases amend such provision where such Instruments are retained in an amended form.
These changes ensure relevant legislation that comes into force in a ‘no deal’ scenario will be given effect in the Practice Directions supplementing the CPR as well as in the CPR themselves. This in turn serves to ensure the practices and procedures which govern the operation of the civil courts remain effective and update to date.
The amendments also ensure there are appropriate transitional and saving provisions in the CPR for proceedings which commenced but not concluded under those Instruments, Conventions and provisions before exit day.
The PD Update amends a total of 15 Practice Directions. In summary they are:
None associated with this update, although work is continuing as regards any Brexit related implications on court forms.
Amendments to Practice Directions are contained in the 106th Update to the Civil Procedure Rules. A summary is below and the full PD Update, which comes into force at 11am on 18th March 2019 is accessible via this ink:
The amendments cover:
The 106th PD Update provides for the release of the following additional components within the Online Civil Money Claims (OCMC) scheme:
None associated with this update.
Amendments to practice directions are contained in the 104th and 105th Updates to the Civil Procedure Rules. A summary is below and the full commencement dates are set out within the Update via this ink:
The amendments cover:
The PD updates are:
This extends the application of the existing Electronic Working Pilot Scheme (PD51O) to the out-of-London Business and Property Court centres. The existing scheme came in by way of the 100th PD Update which introduced a pilot scheme for electronic working in the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court and that became effective from 1st January 2019, operating until 6th April 2020.
The changes in this, 105th PD Update, are therefore modest and straightforward by simply adding the out-of-London Business and Property Courts centres to the list of jurisdictions to which the pilot Practice Direction applies, and indicates the applicable start and end dates.
A related Practice Note from the Senior Master can be viewed on via:
None associated with this (105th) update.
Amendments to practice directions are contained in the 102nd and 103rd Updates to the Civil Procedure Rules. The changes come into force variously on 14 January 2019
The amendments cover:
It is a voluntary capped costs pilot operating in the Business and Property Courts in Leeds and Manchester (Chancery, Circuit Commercial and the Technology and Construction Court) and the London Circuit Commercial Court for cases valued up to £250,000. The pilot derives from Sir Rupert (formerly Lord Justice) Jackson’s Costs Review in which the terms of the pilot were published as part of Sir Rupert’s final report in the summer of 2017. Some amendments (notably the removal of provisions regarding appeals) have been made. The pre-modified PD and further information regarding the related Jackson Reforms are accessible via this link:
It is based on the capped costs regime in the Intellectual Property & Enterprise Court (IPEC).
The pilot will run for two years from 14 January 2019 to 13th January 2021.
Further information is in the attached information bulletin (below) from the Ministry of Justice.
The Online Civil Money Claims Project went live in March 2018. It offers a pilot digitial service for money claims for less than £10k. The service is available to litigants in person so that they can populate text boxes easily and swiftly, establish clear information about what to do next at each stage and check the progress of the online claim with maximum flexibility to match user feedback.
The amendments provide for Admissions, Part Admissions, Part defence/Part Admissions and Defence having already paid to be within the scheme.
Other, technical (naming and numbering) changes are included to allow for greater scope to add in future provisions with a reduced impact on the flow of numbering and therefore usability.
The name amendments include a change of name for the whole pilot, with the Pilot to be called the Online Civil Money Claims Pilot.
There are no new forms being released with this PD update.
The next CPRC Statutory Instrument (SI) containing rule changes, and an accompanying PD Update are anticipated in January/February 2019. Rule changes within the SI are anticipated to be effective from April 2019. Further communication will follow in due course.
Amendments to practice directions are contained in the 101st Update to the Civil Procedure Rules. The changes come into force variously on 08 November 2018 and 30 November 2018.
The amendments cover:
A pilot scheme is established, as PD 51V.
The pilot will test a procedure for applications to set aside County Court default judgments entered under Part 12 of the Civil Procedure Rules, and which are heard at the Manchester or Birmingham Civil Justice Centres, via an internet-enabled video link. Subject to their consent, the parties (or their legal representatives) will attend the hearing of the application, using the video-link, from suitable IT equipment and will see and hear, and will be seen and heard by, each other and the judge determining the application. Hearings will be held in public. Members of the public may access a hearing by attending the court in person and will see and hear the judge and the parties or their legal representatives on a screen set up in the court room. The pilot supports the ongoing reform programme to modernise the court system. The pilot will run from 30th November 2018 to 30th November 2019.
A technical amendment within Practice Direction 2E (PD2E) to permit legal advisers at the County Court Business Centre (CCBC) and the County Court Money Claims Centre (CCMCC) to consider applications to make a counterclaim after a defence has been filed (pursuant to rule 20.4(2)(b)) but to limit that power to applications where the limitation period for bringing the counterclaim has not expired. Commencement date to be advised.
A technical amendment within Practice Direction 2E (PD2E) to permit legal advisers at the County Court Business Centre (CCBC) and the County Court Money Claims Centre (CCMCC) to consider applications to make a counterclaim after a defence has been filed (pursuant to rule 20.4(2)(b)) but to limit that power to applications where the limitation period for bringing the counterclaim has not expired.
There are no new forms being released with this PD update.
A further Practice Direction Update and/or Statutory Instrument containing rule changes, is/are anticipated in or around January 2019.
Amendments to practice directions are contained in the 100th Update to the Civil Procedure Rules. The changes come into force variously on 1 October 2018 and 01 January 2019.
The Civil Procedure Rule Committee Statutory Instrument is also due to come into force on 1 October 2018 and can be accessed via the Legislation website.
The amendments cover:
There are no new forms being released with this PD update.
Although there are no new forms being released with this PD update, the CPRC Sub Committee is reviewing whether any form/s (N325 and/or N325A) need changing as a result of amendment to rule CPR 83.2(3)(e) as regards enforcement of suspended orders. If there is to be any change, this will be communicated.
The 99th update – Practice Direction amendments is revoked with immediate effect.
Amendments to practice directions are contained in the 98th Update to the Civil Procedure Rules. The changes come into force variously on 01 August 2018 and 01 October 2018.
The amendments cover:
There are no new forms being released with this PD update. However, the electronic spreadsheet (Precedent S) as part of the Costs Bill has been modified and together with guidance notes and an example, can be found on the Justice website.
The Insolvency Practice Direction has been amended, the revised version came into force on 25 April 2018.
Amendments are made to the following Pre-Action Protocols –
The Pre-Action Protocol for Debt claims (came into force on 30 April 2018): The protocol is amendment to direct users the Money Advice Service where copies of the most up to date versions of the Standard Financial Statement can be obtained.
The Pre-Action Protocol for Professional Negligence (came into force on 30 April 2018): The amendment to the protocol is made following a pilot to establish a scheme of adjudication for professional negligence claims that were not construction contracts. The change indicates what information should be included in a letter of claim in respect of adjudication.
The Pre-Action Protocol for Resolution of Package Travel Claims (comes into force on 7 May 2018): The amendment clarifies that the fixed recoverable costs scheme does not cover claims that if issued would be allocated to the small claims track in accordance with CPR 27.14(2).
Amendments to practice directions are contained in the 97th Update to the Civil Procedure Rules. The changes come into force on 7th May 2018.
This rule amendment and new Practice Direction formalises the jurisdiction that may be exercised by a legal adviser under Practice Direction 51Q (The County Court Legal Adviser Pilot Scheme). The powers enable legal advisers in the County Court Business Centre and the County Court Money Claims Centre to deal with some items of “box work”, usually allocated to a District Judge. PD 51Q is omitted.
Parts 45 is amended to provide that certain of the fixed recoverable costs that are applicable to public liability claims started under the Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury (Employers’ Liability and Public Liability) Claims (“the EL/PL Protocol”) apply to claims to which the Pre-Action Protocol for Resolution of Package Travel Claims applies.
In consequence of the amendments to Part 45, Part 36 is amended to apply certain of the provisions in respect of offers to settle that are applicable to public liability claims started under the EL/PL Protocol to claims to which the Pre-Action Protocol for Resolution of Package Travel Claims applies.
PF10 Anonymity and Prohibition of Publication Order is revised to make exceptions within the Order where communication between the Court Funds Office and an anonymised party or litigation friend; or a financial institution is necessary. A copy of the new form will be published on Formfinder shortly and it can be used immediately
A new protocol “Pre-action protocol for resolution of package travel claims” is introduced and comes into effect on 7 May 2018.
Amendments to practice directions are contained in the 96th Update to the Civil Procedure Rules. The changes come into force on various dates. There are no rule amendments or form changes.
The pilot scheme allowing for the electronic filing of claims and subsequent documents in the Business and Property Courts (B&PC) is extended to 6 April 2020. The amendment comes into force on 4 April 2018.
The pilot which provides litigants in Bankruptcy and Companies Court with a quick, more streamlined procedure, and an early date for trial of disposal of simple applications is extended for two years. The amendment comes into force on 30 March 2018.
The pilot for a new digital procedure for County Court money only claims valued under £10K, is amended to allow increased functionality and to move the pilot from the private to public beta stage. The amendment comes into force on 26 March 2018, subject to transitional provisions.
Amendments to the rules are contained in the 95th Update to the Civil Procedure Rules. The changes come into force on 6 April 2018. There are no amendments to practice directions.
The amendments clarify the operation of the rules in relation to costs protection in Aarhus Convention claims namely clarifying (i) the financial information that a claimant has to provide in order to have the benefit of the costs cap (mirroring the procedure for applications for costs capping orders in judicial review claims which are not Aarhus Convention claims); (ii) that the court may vary a costs cap only on an application made by the claimant or the defendant; and (iii) that an application to vary the costs cap must be made at the outset, either in the claim form (if made by a claimant) or in the acknowledgment of service (if made by a defendant), and must be determined by the court at the earliest opportunity; and that an application may only be made at a later stage in the process if there has been a significant change in circumstances.
The following forms are amended:
N461Judicial Review Claim Form and N461(PC) Judicial Review Claim Form Planning Court (revised forms coming into force 6 April 2018)
N462 Judicial Review Acknowledgment of Service and N462(PC) Judicial Review Acknowledgment of Service (Planning Court) (revised forms coming into force 6 April 2018)
N463 Judicial Review Applicant for urgent consideration (revised form may be used after 26 March 2018)
Amendments to practice directions are contained in the 94th Update to the Civil Procedure Rules. The changes came into force on 7 February 2018 except for amendments to Practice Direction 75 – Traffic Enforcement which came into force on 1 April 2018.
The amendments make provision for transfer from a Magistrates’ Court to High Court of certain processes relating to forfeiture of “listed assets” (representing the proceeds of crime for use in crime) and terrorist assets introduced by the Criminal Finances Act 2017. The amendments dis-apply certain rules in CPR Part 8 (and Part 7) and modify the operation of Practice Direction 8A on transferred proceedings so the proceedings can “plug in” as promptly as possible to the provisions of that PD so as to continue as Part 8 proceedings.
These amendments to two PDs applicable in the Business and Property Courts are made to align them with the Business and Property Courts Practice Direction and the related Advisory Note published by The Chancellor in October 2017 ( . Court users must head up claims in the manner described in the practice direction to ensure that claims are considered in the appropriate court or specialist list.
This amendment substitutes a revised note issued by the Attorney General in respect of disputes as to venues in civil proceedings by or against the Crown. The amendments reflect changes in the organisation of the Government Legal Service and the formation of the Government Legal Department and the locations of HMRC litigators.
These amendments provide for the enforcement through the Traffic Enforcement Centre at Northampton of Penalty Charge Notices issued against the registered keeper of a vehicle form which a littering offence is committed outside London. The Littering from Vehicles Outside London (Keepers: Civil Penalties) Regulations 2018 SI 2018 No. 171, underpin the amendments. These powers already exist for notices issued in the London area.
These amendments address minor drafting points, including ambiguities and minor drafting errors, in the current PD, following the introduction of the Business and Property Courts in October 2017. In particular, amendment is made to include Newcastle as a venue for the Business and Property Courts.
These amendments are made to the PD – Civil Recovery Proceedings (which was originally made in 2005 to provide for the procedure for civil recovery proceedings and investigations, and freezing and confiscation of property in response to requests from other countries, under Parts 5 and 8 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA) and the POCA (External Requests and Orders) Order 2005). The amendments insert provision to ensure that there is procedure for additional forms of civil recovery proceedings resulting from amendments to POCA by the Policing and Crime Act 2009, the Crime and Courts Act 2014 and the Criminal Finances Act 2017, and make consequential amendments needed as a result of the POCA (External Investigations) Order 2013 and the POCA (External Requests and Orders) (Amendment) Order 2013.
The amendments to practice directions supporting the 92nd Update to the Civil Procedure Rules and the 93rd Update containing amendments to practice directions are now in force. The amendments will be incorporated into the consolidated web version of the rules in due course. The Practice Direction Making Documents are available below:
Please note that N5B has been replaced with N5B England and N5B Wales The new forms are available to download from the HMCTS website.
Pre-Action Protocol for Judicial Review
The postal address to which letters before claim where the claim concerns a decision in an Immigration, Asylum or Nationality case (Annex A, Section 2) should be sent to is:
Litigation Allocation Unit
6, New Square
Bedfont Lakes
Feltham, Middlesex
TW14 8HA
This is effective from 27 November 2017
A new pre-Action Protocol for Debt Claims is introduced and comes into effect on 1 October 2017.
The new protocol can be seen in the Pre-Action Protocol for Debt Claims.
The amendments contained in the statutory instrument come into force on 1 October 2017. The Practice Direction Making Document supporting the rule changes will be published shortly.
Rule 3.1 is amended to make explicit that the court may, in its general case management powers, direct that a hearing may proceed before a Divisional Court of the High Court (which is made up of at least two judges). Section 66 (1) of the Senior Courts Act 1981 provides for hearings in the High Court to be before a Divisional Court where this is required by legislation or by rules of court. The amendment makes it explicit to judges and practitioners what has been regarded as implicit in the general powers of the court under the rule. Namely that the court has power to require proceedings to be heard by a Divisional Court in appropriate circumstances where this will further the overriding objective of enable the court to deal with cases justly and at proportionate cost.
Rule 47.6 is amended to provide for the filing of electronic and/or paper versions of the bill of costs, if appropriate, and to direct users to the relevant practice direction supplementing Part 47 (Practice Direction 47). The majority of amendments relating to the New Bill of Costs are made to Practice Direction 47and will be published as part of the Practice Direction Making Document supporting the rule changes.
Rule 52.4 is amended to make clear that a judge hearing an application for permission to appeal may, in what is known as a “rolled-up” hearing, hear the application for permission to appeal and the appeal at the same time, if possible and appropriate.
Further to the introduction of Business and Property Courts (BPC) encompassing the specialist courts and lists of the High Court including the Commercial Court, the Admiralty Court, Mercantile Court, the Technology and Construction Court and the courts of the Chancery Division (including those dealing with financial services, intellectual property, competition, and insolvency) amendments are made to rename the Mercantile Court as the Circuit Commercial Court, and the judges of those courts as Circuit Commercial Court judges. Amendments are accordingly made to Part 59 (Mercantile Courts) to implement the name change and to amend references to the Mercantile Court and judges where they appear throughout the CPR, including Parts 30, 52, 61, and 62. The BPC Practice Direction will be publishing as part of the Practice Direction Making Document supporting the rule changes.
Amendments are made to reflect the changes made by EU Regulation 2015/2421 to the EU Regulations establishing the European Small Claims Procedure (ESCP) Regulation (Regulation 861/2007) and European Order for Payment Procedure (EOP) (Regulation 1896/2006). The revised Regulation increases the upper limit for ESCP claim from €2,000 to €5,000 and provides that if an application for a EOP is opposed the application will be transferred into the ESCP. The rule amendments reflect these changes.
Part 83 is amended to provides that where a disqualified person(s) fails to comply with a notice of eviction and end of tenancy given by the landlord under the Immigration Action 2014 (as amended); any request for a writ of possession will be subject to judicial scrutiny.
The 91st Update amendment, introduction of Practice Direction 51S comes into force on 12 September 2017.
PD51S sets out the provisions for a pilot allowing for the electronic submission of claims for specified and unspecified money only claims made in the County Court where the claimant is legally represented. On completion of the claim form online, CMCC will issue and digitally seal the claim which will be returned electronically to the legal representative for downloading and service on the defendant.
The 90th Update amendments, come into force on 9 August 2017, with the exception of the pilot under PD51R which comes into force on 7 August 2017 and amendments to PD8A, which come into force on the date on which the Drug Dealing Telecommunication Restriction Orders Regulations 2017 come into force.
Amendments to practice direction PD2C reflect the programme of court closures and references to individual County Court Hearing Centres that have now closed are removed. These include: Kettering, Bolton, Bury, Kendal, Oldham, Llangefni and Woolwich. In addition, an amendment to PD84 Enforcement by Taking Control of Goods substitutes Manchester for Oldham as the hearing centre that will deal with applications for certification of enforcement agents. Consequential amendments are made to practice directions 26, 45, 47 and 52B.
Amendments to PD8A provide for the procedure to be followed under the Drug Dealing Telecommunications Restriction Regulations 2017. Section 80A of the Serious Crime Act 2015 as amended by the Digital Economy Act 2017, provides the Secretary of State (Home Office) with the power to make Regulations which enable courts in the UK to issue Drug Dealing Telecommunication Restriction Orders (DDTROs). These amendments come into force on the date on which the Drug Dealing Telecommunication Restrictions Orders Regulations 2017 come into force.
A pilot for a new digital procedure for County Court money only claims valued under £10K, issued by unrepresented parties is introduced. The pilot sets out rules for the online issue of a claim and response to claim. The pilot commences on 7 August 2017.
Amendments are made to the PD75 in respect of civil enforcement of parking, bus lane and moving traffic contraventions in Wales.
The 89th Update to the Civil Procedure Rules comes into force on 9 August 2017.
PD2E Jurisdiction of the County Court that may be exercised by a Legal Adviser and PD51Q The County Court Legal Advisers Pilot Scheme
The update removes PD2E and reinstates the County Court Legal Advisers Pilot Scheme as PD51Q until further notice. The amendments are made to correct an inadvertent failure to include in Part 2 of the CPR a specific rule of court referring to PD2E, so making provision for court staff to exercise the jurisdiction of the court. Consequential amendments are made to Practice directions 17, 26 and 74A.
The 88th Update to the Civil Procedure Rules makes a number of amendments to rules and practice directions. The amendments come into force on several different dates and your attention is drawn to the transitional provisions set out in Rule 13 of the Statutory Instrument.
The amendments to PD2C are made consequential on the closure of Bow, Brecon, Halifax, Hartlepool, King’s Lynn, Lowestoft, Reigate, Rhyl, Rotherham, Scunthorpe, St Albans, Tunbridge Wells, and Warrington hearing centres, and the establishment of a hearing centre in Prestatyn. The amendments come into force on 31 March 2017. Consequential amendments are made to PD26, PD45, PD47 and PD52B.
This new Practice Direction formalises the jurisdiction that may be exercised by a legal adviser under Practice Direction 51K (The County Court Legal Adviser Pilot Scheme), as well as extending that jurisdiction to include five new work types. The powers enable legal advisers in the County Court Business Centre and the County Court Money Claims Centre to deal with some items of “box work”, usually allocated to a District Judge (see the Schedule to the PD). The PD comes into effect on 1 April 2017. Consequential amendments are made to PD23A, PD26, PD47 and PD74A. PD51K is omitted.
Amendments are made following the Court of Appeal Judgment SARPD Oil International Limited v Addax Energy SA and another SARPD Oil International Limited v Addax Energy SA and another [2016] EWCA Civ 120 (SARPD) in respect of the cost budgeting rules. The amendments come into force on 6 April 2017.
The rules are amended to reflect a policy change in the collection and refund of hearing fees. Hearing fees will no longer be automatically refunded where parties settle the claim before trial. The date at which the hearing fee becomes payable is moved closer to the trial date. The amendments come into force on 6 March 2017. The Civil Proceedings Fees (Amendment) Order 2016 provides details of the fees scheme. Consequential amendments are made to Part 25 and Part 44 and PD4 and PD47.
The amendment to Part 45 is made as part of a package of amendments with a view to ensuring that costs in Aarhus Convention claims are not “prohibitively expensive”. The amendments come into force on 28 February 2017. Consequential amendments are made to Part 25, PD25A and PD45.
Amendments are made to reflect the Court of Appeal judgment in Qader & Ors v Esure Services Ltd and Khan and Anr v McGee The amendments come into force on 6 April 2017.
The Practice Direction is omitted with effect from 1 April 2017, see new PD2E Jurisdiction of the County Court that may be exercised by a legal adviser.
The amendments are made to clarify when documents may be submitted by email as well as through the Electronic working system. The amendments come into force on 1 April 2017.
The amendment to PD54A is made with a view to reducing the burden of producing bundles on parties to judicial review proceedings. The amendments come into force on 28 February 2017.
Amendments are made to reflect the increasing use of technology in ships, where a recording device akin to the “black box” recording equipment used in aeroplanes is employed. The changes focus on providing a simpler and quicker trial process by promoting early exchange of electronic data made available by new technology. The amendments come into force on 28 February 2017.
Amendments provide an appeal route in respect of registered design cases following abolition of the RTA Appeal Tribunal. The amendments come into force on 6 April 2017.
Amendments are made to make clear the precise nature of the wording of references and format in which they must be submitted. The Practice Direction is substituted. The amendments come into force on 6 April 2017.
Amendments to forms related to this update are as follows:
Precedent R
N461 Notes
The 87th Update introduces new Practice Direction 31C to assist with implementation of Directive 2014/104/EU on certain rules governing actions for damages under national law for infringements of competition law provisions of the Member States and of the European Union, in particular articles 5 and 6 of that Directive.
The Directive 2014/104/ was published in the EU journal in December 2014. Member States are required to implement the Directive by 27 December 2016.
There are no form changes associated with this update.
The 86th Update to the Civil Procedure Rules makes a number of amendments, the principal changes being to Part 52 Appeals and the supporting practice directions. The majority of changes come into force on 3rd October 2016. Please note the transitional provisions in Article 16 of the statutory instrument and page 2 of the practice direction making document.
CPR 2.4 lists the judges who are “the court” and so can perform any functions expressed as functions of “the court”. Registrars in Bankruptcy are not included in that list, although the Registrars hear and determine company matters which fall within the remit of the CPR. An amendment is made by adding Registrars in Bankruptcy to the list of judges who comprise “the court”.
The practice direction is amended to reflect a number of hearing centres that will have closed on 31 July 2016, and the one hearing centre that will open on the same date. Amendments are made throughout the practice directions where the relevant hearing centres are named.
The practice direction currently provides that the County Court at Central London is able to issue claims for restoration of companies whose registered address is within their local jurisdiction, the practice direction is amended so that it may also issue claims for restoration for a company whose registered address is anywhere in England and Wales.
A revised Precedent H, the form for filing costs budgets, is substituted.
Amendments are made to implement the Telecommunications Restriction Orders (Custodial Institutions) (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 under Section 80 of the Serious Crime Act 2016 to provide that the court may on application order non-disclosure of the information submitted with a TRO application; and this information will not be provided to any of the parties until the application for a non-disclosure order has been considered by the court.
The pilot scheme introduced to provide that cases provisionally allocated to the multi-track are sent to the County Court at Central London (CCCL) rather than one of the London hearing centres has ended. The pilot scheme is put on a formal footing by amendment to Part 26. PD51I is omitted.
PD51I is omitted (see Part 26 above).
The New Bill of Costs Pilot Scheme is extended by a year and is modified to alleviate concerns raised about the existing form’s reliance on J Codes. Parties will be able to file their bill in electronic format which will assist the court in assessing the bill as any adjustment made by the court, to say the rate or hours claimed, will automatically be carried through to all relevant parts of the bill.
The scheme is extended by a further year and is modified to clarify the procedure. Adjustments are made to the scheme as follows: to clarify that the scheme applies to cases commenced in or transferred into the schemes while the practice direction is in force; to permit Chancery Masters to transfer cases in the Chancery Division into the scheme and to provide that the Statements of Case do not need to be re-pleaded after transfer to bring them within the scheme’s rules; and to allow cases transferred into the scheme to be tried by a Chancery Master if appropriate, or with the consent of the parties.
The current pilot scheme is extended by a year and amendments are made to the scheme in the light of feedback received during the first year of its operation. Consequential amendments are made to PD5B.
The principal amendments to Part 52 and supporting practice directions concern: the procedure for appeals to the Court of Appeal; the exercise, by court officers, of functions of the Court of Appeal; and consequential changes reflecting the changes in routes of appeal brought about by The Access to Justice Act 1999 (Destination of Appeals) Order 2016.
The main change concerns the way in which an application for permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal is determined. Instead of the application being initially determined on the papers without a hearing, with an automatic right to an oral hearing in the event of refusal, the application will be determined on the papers unless the court considers that it should be determined at an oral hearing. The court is given a discretion to “call in” the application for oral hearing in this way, and is placed under a duty to do so if it is of the opinion that it cannot fairly determine the application on the papers. The court may also direct that the party seeking permission provide further information in support of the application, and that the respondent to the appeal attend the hearing. Unless the court directs otherwise in an exceptional case, the oral hearing, where one is directed, will be listed within 14 days of the direction for an oral hearing, before the judge who “called in” the application.
The existing position is that with the consent of the Master of the Rolls qualified officers (a solicitor or barrister) may exercise jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal in relation to certain ancillary matters such as applications for an extension of time. An application may be determined on paper by the officer of the court and parties may apply for an oral hearing. There is no change in relation to the court officers themselves, and only a minor change (clarifying that a court officer may not decide an application for a stay of proceedings in the lower court) in relation to the matters which they may deal with. The changes made are in relation to the procedure for making and reviewing decisions, and align the approach to that for applications for permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal. Thus a review of a decision of a court officer by a single judge (and similarly a reconsideration by a judge of a decision made by a single judge) will be undertaken on the papers unless the judge determines there should be an oral hearing (which the judge must do if of the opinion that the matter cannot be fairly determined without an oral hearing).
The Access to Justice Act 1999 (Destination of Appeals) Order 2016 ( simplifies the appeals process to ensure that, as far as possible, an appeal should lie to the next level of judge. Part 40 – Judgments, Orders, Sale of Land etc. is amended to provide that where the High Court is the appeal court, any judgment or order of the lower court must indicate the appropriate division of the High Court to which any appeal must be made. Part 63 – Intellectual Property Claims is also amended to reflect provision in the Order that in cases allocated to the small claims track of the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court, an appeal will lie from a decision of a District Judge to an enterprise judge.
Amendments are made to PD52A consequential on the changes to routes of appeal made by the Access to Justice Act 1999 (Destination of Appeals) Order 2016.
More significant amendments are made to PD52C (Appeals to the Court of Appeal) to streamline the timetable for stages in appeals to the Court of Appeal, change the requirements relating to skeleton arguments, and control the size of appeal bundles.
Consequential amendments are made to PD3C, Parts 45, 47, 76, 80 and 88.
The Public Contracts Regulation 2015 which came into force in February 2015 ( amended CPR 54.5(6). The amendment to the rule made by virtue of the Regulation incorrectly identifies the relevant provision as “regulation 92” instead of “regulation 92(2)” and this inaccuracy is amended.
The 85th Update to the Civil Procedure Rules introduces changes in relation to cost capping orders in judicial review cases.
The amendments come into force on 8 August 2016 and do not apply to an application for judicial review where the claim form was filed before 8 August 2016.
Amendments to rules and practice direction are made to create costs capping orders in non-environmental judicial reviews, replacing protective costs orders.
The amendments implement sections 88-90 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015. Where the court makes a costs capping order limiting or removing the applicant’s liability to pay costs, the order will include a ‘cross-cap’ limiting or extinguishing the other party’s liability to pay the applicant’s costs should they lose.
The rules provide that an applicant for a cost capping order should set out why an order should be made, having regard to the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015.
A summary should be provided of their resources, including major assets and likely future contributions from third parties; a summary of the costs the parties are likely to incur through the proceedings; and, if they are a body corporate, whether they can demonstrate they can meet likely liabilities arising from the claim.
The court will consider the financial resources of the parties when determining whether to make a costs capping order and, if one is appropriate, what the terms of that order should be.
There are no form changes associated with this update.
The 84th Update to the Civil Procedure Rules introduces changes only to practice directions in a number of areas. The amendments have a number of different commencement dates.
Paragraph 2.2 is omitted, further to the establishment of a QB Masters Interim Applications List for a number of hours each day during court sitting hours for short urgent applications.
The amendments relate to implementation of the European Union Referendum Act 2015 and the European Union Referendum Conduct Regulations 2016.
The amendments provide for the detailed assessment of a returning officer’s account for charges in respect of the European Referendum which mirror existing clauses in respect of parliamentary elections; orders for production of documents under, and applications in respect of, the retention and inspection of documents will be exercised by the Divisional Court, save that where jurisdiction is exercisable by a single judge, it will be exercised by a single judge.
The address in respect of enquiries to the Foreign and Commonwealth office is amended.
The pilot scheme, which operates in the business centres and enables legal advisers to undertake specified tasks which would usually be undertaken by a deputy District Judge, is extended for a further period.
The range of tasks the legal advisers may undertake is extended to: granting extensions of time in which to serve particulars of claim in limited circumstances; determining applications to add or substitute a party to the proceedings pursuant to rule 19.4 in limited circumstances; and to consider applications to substitute a litigation friend.
The pilot testing the New Bill of Costs is extended for a further period of 12 months. Modifications are made to the Bill of Costs following the initial pilot.
There are no form changes associated with this update.
Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury Claims in Road Traffic Accidents from 31 July 2013
An amendment to paragraph 1.1(A1)(a) and (b) extends, by two months to 1 June 2016, the date by which a medical expert, preparing an initial report in a soft tissue injury claim, must be accredited by MedCo Registration Solutions (“MedCo”).
The 83rd Update to the Civil Procedure Rules introduces changes in a number of areas. The majority of the amendments come into force on 1 or 6 April 2016.
The costs management rules are amended to provide that only the first page of Precedent H is to be exchanged and filed in cases where the value of the claims is under £50,000 or the costs are less than £25,000. Claims made on behalf of a child are also excluded from the regime, and in cases where the Claimant has a limited or severely impaired life expectation the court will ordinarily disapply cost management. Amendments are also made to the point at which a costs budget must be filed. For lower value claims the budget must be filed with the Directions Questionnaire, for other claims it must be filed 21 days before the case management conference. Agreed budget discussion reports must be filed seven days before the first hearing. Amendments are also made to provide that costs claimed in each phase of the proceedings, are made available to the court when assessing costs at the end of a case. Consequential amendments are made to Practice Direction 3E.
The practice direction is revised with forms grouped together by subject-matter and supporting alphabetical index. The subject-matter groups will be reflected on the HMCTS FormFinder. A large number of forms have been revised and are listed at the end of this document.
They are also available for preview in the following zip files.
The rules are amended to provide that details of costs budgets are provided when detailed assessment of costs is required (Model Precedent Q).
The pilot scheme for a new bill of costs is extended whilst the impact of its mandatory introduction is assessed.
Pilot for Insolvency Express Trials. A pilot to provide litigants in the Bankruptcy and Companies Court of the High Court with a quick, more streamlined procedure, and an early date for trial of disposal of simple applications. The pilot will run for two years from 1 April 2016.
Amendments facilitate the provision of skeleton arguments (anonymised in family proceedings) to accredited law reporters and the media in cases being heard in the Court of Appeal at the time of the appeal.
Amendments implement the Recall of MPs Act 2015 (Recall Petition) Regulations 2016 and provide that any accounts submitted by a petition officer may be the subject of detailed assessment in the County Court. Similar separate provisions are made in respect of accounts of the petition officers of Welsh MPs. Consequential amendments are made to PD8A.
Rules are amended to provide for the centralised handling of the majority of applications for charging in orders in the County Court. Applications will be processed at the County Court Money Claims Centre and will be paper based for the most part. A court officer at CCMCC may make the interim order providing certain conditions are met in respect of a charge over land. Parties may also apply for a review of an interim charging order made by a court officer. Applications where the court officer may not make an interim order will be referred to a judge for a decision on the making of an interim order and/or transfer of the matter to a local hearing centre. Once an interim order is made at the CCMCC and served, the parties will have a period of 28 days between service on them of the interim order and referral to a judge to object to the making of the final charging order. If an objection is received the matter will be sent to a local County Court hearing centre. The service provisions are also amended. Consequential amendments are also made to PD7C, PD7E, PD70 and PD73.
Amendments to the Civil Procedure Rules contained in the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements and Civil Jurisdiction and Judge (Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements 2005) Regulations 2015, were made in October 2015. Amendments are now made to the practice direction to support those rule changes. Consequential amendments are made to PD12.
CCR Order 27 is omitted. A new part sets out the procedure for applications to attach earnings. The amendments also provide for the handling of applications for Attachment of Earnings Orders at the County Court Money Claims Centre. Responses to the application will be dealt with at the CCMCC, but where the judgment debtor does not respond the process will be sent to a local County Court hearing centre. Consequential amendments are made to PD7C, PD7E, and PD70.
Form 110 (replaces No.110) Certificate for the enforcement in a foreign country under [section 10 of the Administration of Justice Act 1920] [section 10 the Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement Act 1933]
[section 12 of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982] (CPR 74.12 and PD74A paragraph 7)
Form 111 (replaces No. 111) Certificate for the enforcement in Scotland or Northern Ireland of a money judgment of the High Court or the County Court (section 18 of and Schedule 6 to the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982) (CPR 74.17 and PD 74A paragraph 8.2)
Form 112 (replaces No.112) Certificate annexed to sealed copy of judgment of the High Court or of the County Court for enforcement of non-money provisions in Scotland or Northern Ireland (section 18 of and Schedule 7 to the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982) (CPR 74.18 and Practice Direction 74A paragraph 8.3)
No.32 Order for examination within jurisdiction of witness before trial or hearing (rule 34.8)
No.33 Application for an order for the issue of a letter of request to judicial authorities out of the jurisdiction (rule 34.13 and PD34A paragraph 5)
No.34 Order for the issue of a letter of request to judicial authorities out of the jurisdiction (rule 34.13)
No.35 Draft Letter of request for examination of witness out of jurisdiction
(to be filed by a party under rule 34.13(6))
No.37 Order for appointment of special examiner to take evidence of witness out of jurisdiction (rule 34.13(4) and PD34A paragraph 5.8)
No.41 Default judgment upon request in claim relating to detention of goods (rule 12.4(1)(c))
No.44 Part 24 Judgment for Claimant
No.44A Part 24 Judgment for Defendant
No. 44B Order under refusing judgment under Part 24 and giving directions as to the future conduct of the case
No.44C Order under Part 24 imposing condition of payment into court (rule 3.1(3) and PD24 paragraphs 5.1 and 5.2) (replaces PF13)
No.44D Order under Part 24 for detailed assessment of solicitor’s bill of costs and for judgment on the amount found due thereunder (replaces PF15)
No.45 Judgment after trial before Judge without Jury (CPR Practice Direction 40B paragraph 14.1(1))
No.46 Judgment after trial before Judge with Jury (CPR Practice Direction 40B paragraph 14.1(2))
No.47 Judgment after trial before a Master or District Judge (PD40B paragraph 14)
No.48 Order after separate trial of issue under rule 3.1(2)(i)
No.49 Judgment against personal representative (PD40B paragraph 14.3)
No.52 Notice of Claim to non-parties (CPR 19.8A(4)(a)(i))
No.52A Notice of Judgment or Order to non-parties (CPR 19.8A(4)(a)(i))
No.67 Writ of sequestration (rule 81.20(1) and rule 81.27)
N40A (County Court) Warrant of arrest for disobedience to order to attend court for questioning
N40A (High Court) Warrant of arrest for disobedience to order to attend court for questioning
N86 Interim Charging Order
N87 Final Charging Order
N149C Notice of proposed allocation to the Multi-Track
N216 Notice by court to claimant of outcome of postal service of claim form by the court (CPR 6.18)
N217 Order for service of claim form by an alternative method or at an alternative place (CPR 6.15)
N218 Notice of service of the claim form on partnership (where partners are being sued in the name of their firm) (CPR 6.5(3)(c))
N224 Request for service of the claim form out of the jurisdiction under CPR 6.43
N224A Request for service of the claim form on a State under CPR 6.44
N293A Combined Certificate of Judgment and request for writ of control/possession (against trespassers only)
N379 Application for a charging order on land
N380 Application for a charging order on securities
PF1 Application for time (rule 3.1(2)(a)) (other than an application to extend time for service of a claim form)
PF2 Order for time (rule 3.1(2)(a))
PF3 Application for an extension of time for serving a claim form (rule 7.6)
PF4 Order for extension of time for serving a claim form (rule 7.6)
PF6A Application for permission to serve claim form out of jurisdiction
(rules 6.36 and 6.37)
PF6B Order for permission to serve claim form out of jurisdiction (rule 6.37(5))
PF7A Request for service of document abroad through foreign government, foreign judicial authority or British consular authority (rule 6.43)
PF8 Standard “Unless” Order or other Order upon failure to file directions questionnaire (rule 26.3, PD 26 paragraphs 2.5 and Form N181)
PF10 Anonymity and Prohibition of Publication Order
PF11 Application for Part 24 Judgment on the whole of a claim or on a particular issue (rule 24.2)
PF16 NOTICE of court’s proposal to make an order of its own initiative (rules 3.3(2) and 3.3(3))
PF17 Order made on court’s own initiative without notice (rule 3.3(4) and (5))
PF19 Group Litigation Order (rule 19.11)
PF20A Application for permission to issue an additional claim under rules 20.4(2)(b), 20.5(1) or 20.7(3)(b)
PF20B Application for directions in an additional claim
PF21 Order for permission to make an additional claim under rules 20.4(2)(b), 20.5(1) or 20.7(3)(b) and directions following such permission
PF22 Notice claiming contribution or indemnity against another defendant (rule 20.6)
PF43 Application for security for costs under rule 25.12 and 25.13
PF44 Order for security for costs (rules 25.12 and 25.13)
PF48 Court Record Form
PF52 Order in the Queen’s Bench Division for case management and costs management directions in the Multi-Track (Part 29)
PF52A Shortened PF52 in the Queen’s Bench Division for multi-track case and costs management directions in Mesothelioma and Asbestosis claims
PF53 Order for separate trial of an issue (rule 3.1(2)(i))
PF56 Request for further information or clarification (Part 18 and PD 18)
PF57 Application for further information or clarification (Part 18 and Practice Direction 18, paragraph 5)
PF58 Order for further information or clarification (Part 18 and Practice Direction 18)
PF63 Interim Order for Receiver in Pending Claim
(CPR Part 69)
PF67 Evidence in support of application to make Order of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom an Order of the High Court of Justice (PD40B 13.2)
PF68 Order making an Order of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom an Order of the High Court of Justice (PD40B paragraph 13.3)
PF72 List of Exhibits handed in at Trial (PD39A paragraph 7)
PF74 Order for Trial of Whole Claim or of an Issue by Master or District Judge
(PD2B paragraph 4.1)
PF78 Solicitor’s Undertaking as to Expenses (rule 34.13(6)(b))
PF83 Judgment on non-attendance of party at trial (rule 39.3 and PD39A paragraph 2)
PF84A Request for Judgment on failure to comply with an order made under rule 3.5(1) (previously PF85A)
PF84B Judgment on Request arising from failure to comply with an Order made under rule 3.5(1) (rule 3.5(2)) (previously PF85B)
PF84D Judgment on application arising from a failure to comply with an order made under rule 3.5(1) (previously PF84B)
PF85B Order on application arising from a failure to comply with a condition imposed under rule 3.1(3) (previously PF84A)
PF86 Request for issue of Writ of Control (rule 83.9(3))
PF87 Request for Issue of Writ of Sequestration (rule 83.9(3))
PF88 Request for Issue of Writ of Possession (rule 83.9(3) and rule 83.13)
PF89 Request for Issue of Writ of Possession and Writ of Control combined
(rule 83.9(3) and rule 83.13(9))
PF90A Request for issue of a Writ of Specific Delivery where judgment or order does not give the alternative of paying the assessed value of the goods (rules 83.9(3) and 83.14(1))
PF90B Request for issue of a Writ of Delivery where judgment or order gives the alternative of paying the assessed value of the goods (rules 83.9(3) and 83.14(2)(a))
PF90C Request for issue of a Writ of Specific Delivery where order made under rule 83.14(2)(b)(rules 83.9(3) and 83.14(2)(b))
PF91 Application for permission to issue a writ of possession (rule 83.13)
PF102 Bench Warrant
PF103 Warrant of committal (general) (rule 81.30)
PF104 Warrant of committal (contempt in face of the court
PF105 Bench Warrant (failure of witness to attend)
PF106 Warrant of committal (of prisoner) (rule 81.30)
PF113 Evidence on Application for Service by an Alternative Method or at an Alternative Place (rules 6.15, 6.27 and PD6A paragraph 9)
PF130 Form of advertisement of service by an alternative method (rule 6.15)
PF141 Witness Statement/Affidavit of Personal Service of Judgment or Order (rules 81.6 and 81.9)
PF147 Application by another party for Order declaring that Solicitor has ceased to act by reason of death etc. (rule 42.4 and PD42 paragraph 4)
PF148 Order declaring that Solicitor has ceased to act by reason of death etc. (rule 42.4 and PD42 paragraph 4)
PF149 Application by Solicitor for declaration that he has ceased to act (rule 42.3 and PD42 paragraph 3)
PF150 Order declaring that Solicitor has ceased to act for a party (rule 42.3 and PD42 paragraph 3.3)
PF152 Evidence in support of application for Examination of a Witness and production of documents under the Evidence (Proceedings in other Jurisdictions) Act 1975
(rule 34.17 and PD34 paragraph 6.3)
PF153 Certificate following examination under the Evidence (Proceedings in Other Jurisdictions) Act 1975
(rule 34.19(2))
PF154 Order for permission to register a foreign judgment under [s. 9 of the Administration of Justice Act 1920] [s. 2 of the Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1933] [s. 4 of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982] [EU Regulation 1215/2012] (rule 74.3 and 4)
PF156 Evidence in support of application for registration of a Community Judgment
(rules 74.19 and 74.21)
PF157 Order for registration of a Community judgment to be served on every person against whom the judgment is given (rule 74.22)
PF159A Evidence in support of application for registration for enforcement in England and Wales of a foreign judgment under the Administration of Justice Act 1920 (CPR 74.3 and 74.4 and Practice Direction 74A paragraph 4.4 and paragraph 5)
PF159B Evidence in support of application for registration for enforcement in England and Wales of a foreign judgment under the Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1933 (CPR 74.3 and 74.4 and Practice Direction 74A paragraph 4.4 and paragraph 5)
PF159C Evidence in support of application for registration for enforcement in England and Wales of a foreign judgment under section 4 of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (CPR 74.3 and 74.4 and Practice Direction 74A paragraph 4.4)
PF159D Evidence in support of application for registration for enforcement in England and Wales of a foreign judgment under the Lugano Convention (CPR 74.3 and 74.4 and Practice Direction 74A paragraphs 4 and 6A)
PF159E Evidence in support of application for registration for enforcement in England and Wales of a foreign judgment under section 4B of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (registration and enforcement of Judgments under the 2005 Hague Convention) (CPR 74.3(1) and CPR 74.4(5A))
PF160 Order for registration for enforcement in England and Wales of a foreign judgment under the Administration of Justice Act 1920, the Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1933, section 4 of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982, section 4A of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (the Lugano Convention) or section 4B of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (the Hague Convention) (CPR 74.6)
PF163 Evidence in support of application for certified copy of a judgment obtained in the High Court or in the County Court for enforcement in a foreign country (CPR 74.12 and 74.13)
PF164A Evidence in support of application to the High Court for the registration of a certificate for the enforcement of money provisions of a judgment given in another part of the United Kingdom (rule 74.15)
PF 164B Evidence in support of application to the High Court for the registration for the enforcement of the non-money provisions of a judgment in another part of the United Kingdom (rule 74.16)
PF165 Evidence in support of application for registration in the High Court of a Judgment of a court in a another part of the United Kingdom containing non-money provisions (rule 74.16)
PF166 Certificate as to finality, etc. of Arbitration Award for Enforcement Abroad
(Arbitration Act 1996, s.58)
PF167 Order to stay proceedings under section 9 of the Arbitration Act 1996
(rule 62.8)
PF168 Order on application to transfer claim from High Court to County Court
(sections 40(1) and (2) County Courts Act 1984; High Court and County Court Jurisdiction Order 1991 (as amended); rule 30.3) (see also new form PF168A)
PF170A Application for approval of settlement or compromise for a child or protected party in personal injury or Fatal Accidents Act claim before proceedings are begun (rule 21.10(2) and PD21 paragraphs 5 and 7)
PF170B Application for approval of settlement or compromise for a child or protected party in personal injury or Fatal Accidents Act claim after proceedings have been issued (rule 21.10(2) and PD21 paragraphs 6.1 and 7)
PF177 Order for partnership membership statement (PD7A paragraph 5B)
PF179 Evidence on registration of a Bill of Sale given by way of security for the payment of money (Bills of Sale Act 1878 sections 8 and 10; Bills of Sale Act (1878) Amendment Act 1882 section 10)
PF180 Evidence on registration of an Absolute Bill of Sale, Settlement
and Deed of Gift (Bills of Sale Act 1878, sections 8 and 10)
PF180B Evidence on application to rectify an omission or misstatement in the registration or renewal of registration of a bill of sale (Bills of Sale Act 1878, section 14; PD 8A paragraph 10A)
PF181 Evidence on renewal of registration of a Bill of Sale
(Bills of Sale Act 1878, section 11)
PF182 Order for extension of time to register a Bill of Sale or an affidavit of renewal thereof (Bills of Sale Act 1878, section 14; PD8A paragraph 10A.3)
PF183 Evidence for permission to enter Memorandum of Satisfaction on Bill of Sale
(Bills of Sale Act 1878, section 15; PD8A paragraph 11.5)
PF184 Claim form for an order that a memorandum of satisfaction be written of the registered copy of a Bill of Sale (Bills of Sale Act 1878, section 15; PD8A paragraph 11.2)
PF185 Order for entry of Memorandum of Satisfaction on the registered copy of a Bill of Sale
(Bills of Sale Act 1878, section 15; PD8A paragraph 11.5)
PF186 Evidence on application to register Assignment of Book Debts
(section 344 Insolvency Act 1986; sections 8 and 10 Bills of Sale Act 1878; PD8A paragraph 15B.4)
PF187 Application for solicitor’s charging order (section 73 Solicitors Act 1974)
PF188 Charging order; solicitor’s costs (section 73 Solicitors Act 1974)
PF197 Application for order for transfer from the Royal Courts of Justice to a district registry or vice-versa or from one district registry to another (rule 30.2(4))
PF198 Order for transfer from the Royal Courts of Justice to a district registry or vice-versa or from one district registry to another (rule 30.2(4))
PF205 Evidence in support of application for permission to execute for costs of previous attempts to enforce judgment (section 15(3) and (4) of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990)
CH1 Case Management Directions for normal use in Chancery Division (replaces Proc01A)
CH2 Full Draft Case Management directions (replaces Proc01)
CH3 Order for Costs and Case Management Conference and trial date (replaces Proc01 CCMC)
CH4 Unless order (replaces Proc 10)
CH5 Order for service out (replaces Appl 5)
CH6 Group litigation order (see also PF19 for non-Chancery)
CH7 Notice of Claim to non-parties (replaces Proc 24)
CH8 Notice of judgment or order to non-parties (replaces Proc 25)
CH9 Witness statement/affidavit in support of application for appointment of new litigation for child (replaces PF32CH)
CH10 Order for an injunction (intended action) Part 25 (replaces PF39CH)
CH11 Order for interim injunction Part 25 (replaces PF40CH)
CH12 Order for stay for ADR PD26 (replaces Proc01S)
CH13 Executor’s/Administrator’s Account Part 40 (replaces PF28CH)
CH14 Order stating results of proceedings on usual accounts and inquiries in admin claim Part 40 (replaces PF29CH)
CH15 Common form of Order for Sale rule 40.16 (replaces Sale 1)
CH16 Order nominating person to execute sale rule 40.16 (replaces Sale 2)
CH17 Order for account and inquiry PD40A (replaces Inquiry 2)
CH18 Order for partnership account and inquiry PD40A (replaces Inquiry3)
CH19 Result of partnership account and inquiry PD40A (replaces Inquiry 5)
CH20 Result of account of money due PD40A (replaces Inquiry 6)
CH21 Order declaring that a solicitor has ceased to act rule 42.3 (replaces Proc 20)
CH22 Mortgage: suspended possession order Part 55 (replaces Mg/PF5CH)
CH23 Mortgage possession order Part 55 (replaces Mg 2)
CH24 Order appointing administrator pending determination of probate claim Part 57 Section 1 and PD57A (replaces PF36CH)
CH25 Security of receiver/administrator pending determination of probate claim Part 57 (replaces PF30CH)
CH26 Order in Probate claim involving compromise Part 57 (replaces PF38CH)
CH27 Handing out testamentary documents for examination rule 57.5 (replaces Prob 4)
CH28 Revocation/refusal of grant of probate rule 57.5 (replaces Prob 3)
CH29 Order pronouncing for some words, against others Part 57 Section II (replaces Prob 5)
CH30 Order pronouncing for completed copy/torn up will Part 57 Section II (replaces Prob 6 and 7)
CH31 Tomlin Order – 1975 Act Part 57 Section IV (replaces Family 1)
CH32 Order for approval of compromise (replaces Family 2)
CH33 order granting permission to make application under 1975 Act after time expired Part 57 Section IV (replaces Family 3)
CH34 Order for Claimant to be Defendant – 1975 Act Part 57 Section IV (replaces Family 4)
CH35 Order for provision under 1975 Act Part 57 Section IV (replaces Family 5)
CH36 Enforcing charging order (single defendant) (replaces Mg 3)
CH37 Enforcing charging order (multiple defendants) (replaces Mg 4)
CH38 Order for distribution of a Lloyds Estate
CH39 Lloyd’s Estate Form of Witness Statement
N208PC Planning Statutory Review. Part 8 Claim form
PF7B Request for service of document on a State (rule 6.44)
(to be filed in the Central Office of the Royal Courts of Justice)
PF71 Evidence in support of application for relief from sanctions (rule 3.8 and 3.9)
PF84C Application for entry of judgment on failure to comply with an order made under rule 3.5(1) (rule 3.5(5))
PF85A Application for order arising on failure to comply with a condition imposed under rule 3.1(3)
PF84C Application for entry of judgment on failure to comply with an order made under rule 3.5(1)
PF168A Order of the court’s own initiative to transfer claim from High Court to County Court
(section 40(1) and (2) County Courts Act 1984; High Court and County Court Jurisdiction Order 1991 (as amended); rule 30.3)
PF180A Evidence on application to extend time for registration of a bill of sale or an affidavit of its renewal (Bills of Sale Act 1878, section 14; PD8A paragraph 10A)
No.110 replaced by Form 110
No.111 replaced by Form 111
No.112 replaced by Form 112
PF13 replaced by No.44C
PF15 replaced by No.44D
PF21A (now part of PF21)
PF158 see PF157 as amended
PF159 replaced by PF159A-E
PF161 redundant due to form 160 and rule 74.9
PF164 replaced by PF164A and PF164B
PF29CH replaced by CH14
PF30CH replaced by CH25
PF32CH replaced by CH9
PF36CH replaced by CH24
PF38CH replaced by CH26
PF39CH replaced by CH10
PF40CH replaced by CH11
Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury Claims in Road Traffic Accidents from 31 July 2013
An amendment to paragraph 1.1(A1)(a) and (b) extends until 6 April 2016, the date by which a medical expert, preparing an initial report in a soft tissue injury claim, must be accredited by MedCo Registration Solutions (“MedCo”).
The 82nd Update to the Civil Procedure Rules introduces changes in a number of areas. Amendments to rules come into force on 3 December 2015, practice direction changes come into force on two dates in November. The changes are set out full in the Statutory Instrument and Practice Direction Making Document.
Part 26 – Case Management – preliminary stage
Amendments make provision that in a County Court claim for a specified sum of money only the claim will be sent to the defendant’s local hearing centre, if and when a hearing is required, if the defendant is an individual. In all other cases, the claim will be sent to the claimant’s preferred hearing centre as indicated on the claim form or directions questionnaire. Other amendments are made within the same rule to make clear where claims must be sent where a claimant specifies on the directions questionnaire an alternative hearing centre to that indicated on the claim form; and where the defendant indicates on the directions questionnaire an alternative hearing centre to the hearing centre local to their address. The amendments come into force on 3 December 2015.
Practice Direction 2C Starting Proceedings in the County Court
The amendment provides for the issue of proceedings under the Companies Acts at the Central London County Court hearing centre rather than in the High Court. The changes come into force on 7 December 2015.
Practice Direction 5B Electronic Communications and Filing of Documents
The existing practice direction is replaced to give effect to changes that will allow increased communication with and by the County Court by way of e-mail, and to remove references to services which are no longer operational. The changes will come into force on 7 December 2015.
PD51O The Electronic Working Pilot Scheme
The existing pilot scheme (as set out in Practice Direction PD51J) allowing for the electronic filing of claims and subsequent documents in the Technology and Construction Court is replaced. The new scheme extends the pilot to the Chancery Division, the Commercial Court, the Mercantile Court, and the Admiralty Court (“the Rolls Building Jurisdictions”). Compliance with the pilot scheme is not mandatory. The scheme will operate for one year from 16 November 2015.
Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury Claims in Road Traffic Accidents from 31 July 2013
An amendment to paragraph 1.1(A1)(a) and (b) extends, by one month to 1 February 2016, the date by which a medical expert, preparing an initial report in a soft tissue injury claim, must be accredited by MedCo Registration Solutions (“MedCo”).
The Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments (Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements 2005) Regulations 2015 SI No 1644 which makes amendments to the Civil Procedure Rules is published. The changes which come into effect on 1 October 2015.
1. The 81 st Update to the Civil Procedure Rules introduces changes in a number of areas. The majority of the amendments come into force on 1 October 2015. The changes relating to Statutory Planning applications (PD8C, Part 52, PD54E) will come into force on the date the statutory provision to which they relate (section 91 of the Criminal Courts and Justice Act 2015, which introduces Schedule 16 to that Act) comes into force. Amendments relating to the provisions for making Telecommunication Restriction Orders will come into force on the day on which and immediately after The Telecommunications Restriction Orders (Custodial Institutions) (England and Wales) Regulations 2015 come into force.
Part 3 – The Court’s Case Management Powers
Early Neutral Evaluation Amendments make it clear that the court’s case management powers include hearing an Early Neutral Evaluation. Further amendments make provision for the way in which the court is to approach case management in a case where at least one of the parties is unrepresented.
Unrepresented Parties A new rule makes provision for the way in which the court is to approach case management in a case where at least one of the parties is unrepresented.
Part 5 – Court Documents
A signpost is added to assist users by indicating the rules contained in other parts of the CPR which disapply the rules about supply of documents from court records.
Practice Direction 6B – Service Out of the Jurisdiction
Amendments are made to a number of the existing gateways for service out of the jurisdiction of trust claims, and a new gateway in relation to claims for breach of confidence or misuse of private information is introduced.
Part 7 – How to Start Proceedings – The Claim Form
The procedure for filing at court the relevant documents where the claimant serves the claim and particulars of claim on the defendant are clarified.
Practice Direction 8A – Alternative Procedure for Claims
Amendments make provision for the making of Telecommunication Restriction Orders to allow communications service providers to remove services where the illegal use of a mobile phone in prison has been identified. The amendments will come into force on the day on which and immediately after The Telecommunications Restriction Orders (Custodial Institutions) (England and Wales) Regulations 2015 come into force.
Practice Direction 8C – Alternative Procedure for Statutory Review of Certain Planning Matters
A new Practice Direction is introduced supporting implementation of the provisions about statutory planning challenges. Amendments are also made to Part 52 Appeals, PD8A – Alternative Procedure for Claims and PD54E Judicial and Statutory Review. The amendments come into force on the day on which and immediately after, section 91 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 comes into force, but the changes do not apply in relation to any application to which section 288(4A) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 does not apply.
Practice Direction 30 – Transfer
Amendments are made to enable the High Court to transfer certain competition cases to the Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT).
Part 47 and Practice Direction 47 – Procedure for Assessment Of Costs And Default Provisions
The rules are amended to provide that details of costs budgets are provided when detailed assessment of costs is required (Model Precedent Q).
Practice Direction 51I – The County Court at Central London Multi-Track Pilot Scheme
The current HMCTS pilot for transfer of work to the County Court at Central London is extended until 30 September 2016.
Practice Direction 51L – New Bill of Costs Pilot Scheme
A pilot scheme for testing a new bill of costs, Precedent AA, to reflect the costs management and costs budgeting procedures is introduced.
Practice Direction 51M – Financial Markets Test Case Scheme
A new Practice Direction providing for a pilot scheme for Financial Market “test” cases, designed to give the opportunity where appropriate to resolve market uncertainty issues at an earlier stage than is currently conventional is introduced.
Practice Direction 51N – Shorter and Flexible Trials Pilot
A new Practice Direction provides for two pilot schemes to run in the Rolls Buildings.
The Shorter Trial Scheme involves a streamlined procedure leading to judgment within a year of issue of proceedings. For commercial parties it offers dispute resolution on a commercial timescale.
The Flexible Trial Scheme involves the adoption of more flexible case management procedures where the parties so agree resulting in a more simplified and expedited procedure than the full trial procedure currently provided for under the CPR.
Part 52 – Appeals, PD8A – Alternative Procedure for Claims, PD8C – Alternative Procedure for Statutory Review of Certain Planning Matters, PD54E Judicial Review and Statutory Review
Amendments introduce a permission stage for certain planning challenges; amendments to various practice directions supporting this initiative are also made to support a quick and efficient procedure for planning claims. The amendments come into force on the day on which and immediately after, section 91 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 comes into force, but the changes do not apply in relation to any application to which section 288(4A) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 does not apply.
Practice Direction 52C – Appeals to the Court of Appeal
An amendment is made to correct a typographical error.
Part 63A – Financial List and Practice Direction 63AA – Financial List
A new Part 63A and supporting Practice Direction are introduced providing for a new single specialist list, called the Financial List, sitting in both the Chancery Division and the Commercial Court to handle the more complex and important financial markets cases. A number of forms are introduced to support the new list and consequential amendments are made to Practice Direction 4.
Forms N462 and N462(PC) are amended.
Forms: N1(CCFL), N1(CHFL), N1C(CCCHFL), N9(CCFL), N9(CHFL), N208(CCFL), N208(CHFL), N211(CCFL), N211 (CHFL), N213(CCFL), N213(CHFL), N244(CCFL), N244(CHFL), N265(CCFL) and N265(CHFL) are introduced in relation to the Financial List.
1. The following Pre-Action Protocols have been amended and come into effect on 6 April 2015:
The changes to the Pre-Action Protocols can be seen in the PAP making document.
The Pre-Action Conduct Practice Direction is also amended and changes can be seen in the PD Making Document to the 79th Update below.
2. Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury Claims in Road Traffic Accidents – please note that the address for searches of accredited medical experts should read: The website address will go live in June.
Amendments are made to Parts 76, 79, 80, 82 and 88 in relation to Temporary Exclusion Orders to ensure consistency with other parts of the rules, to correct an error and to make clear that the “relevant person” referred to is the Secretary of State. The amendments come into force on 17 April 2015.
Amendments to the Practice Directions in relation to the 79th Update to the CPR can been seen in the 79th update – Practice Direction amendments document.
The 79th Update to the Civil Procedure Rules introduces changes in two areas: Parts 21 and 46 in relation to costs coverable from awards to protected parties coming into force on 6 April 2015; and Part 54 in relation to judicial review application.
The Practice Direction Making Document will be published in due course.
Costs payable by a Child/Protected party from a damages award
A further amendment is made to Part 21 clarifying the amendments made in the 78th Update and the amendments to Part 46 in relation to those changes are introduced. The amendments come into force on 6 April 2015.
Implementation of s84 and s87 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015
Section 84 of the Act amends section 31 of the Senior Courts Act 1981 with regard to judicial reviews in which the court considers it highly likely that the outcome for the applicant would not been substantially different had the conduct complained of not occurred.
The section will require the court to consider such arguments when raised at permission and, where the ‘highly likely threshold’ is met, refuse permission unless the court considers it appropriate to do so for reasons of exceptional public interest. The court may not grant a remedy where the ‘highly likely threshold’ is met except where it considers it appropriate to do so for reasons of exceptional public interest.
Further amendments are to provide that a relevant party (within the meaning of section 84 of the 2015 Act) may apply to the court for the intervener to pay the costs that the relevant party has incurred as a result of the intervention.
The amendments will come into force on the date that sections 84 and 87 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 come into force.
Please note the amendments made to the Civil Procedure Rules coming into force on 27 February 2015.
The rules amend the Civil Procedure Rules for the purpose of implementing Chapter 2 of Part 1 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 by amending rule 1.2 (so that it is subject to rule 88.2 (modification to the overriding objective)); and inserting a new Part 88 containing rules about proceedings in relation to temporary exclusion orders, particularly where sensitive material is in issue and it is necessary to ensure that such material is not disclosed where such disclosure would be contrary to the public interest.
Amendments in relation to CPR Part 54 came into force on 26 February 2015. These were consequential amendments contained in paragraph 11 of Schedule 6 of the Public Contracts Regulation 2015 and can be seen at:
There are no amendments to forms.
The 78th Update to the Civil Procedure Rules introduces changes in a number of areas. The amendments in respect of the implementation of Regulation (EU) No. 606/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on mutual recognition of protection measures in civil matters (the “Protection Measures Regulation”) come into force on 11 January 2015. The remainder of the amendments come into force on 6 April 2015. The amendments for this update are contained in a Statutory Instrument and Practice Direction Making Document.
Costs payable by a Child/Protected party from a damages award
Amendments are made to address the growing number of applications at approval hearings for payment out of the child\protected party’s damages to meet the success fee provided for in the conditional fee agreement or entered into between the litigation friend and the solicitor for the child\protected party. The rules are amended to reflect when and how a deduction from damages of a sum to meet any shortfall between the costs recoverable from the other party and the ‘solicitor and own client’ costs payable to the child’s\protected party’s solicitors applies. The amendments are confined to those cases where the award or ordered do not exceed £25,000. Consequential amendments are made to Part 47, PD 21 and PD46. The amendments come into effect on 6 April 2015.
Diversion of cases to London
Amendments are made to the rules in respect of transfer of cases, to require litigants engaged in disputes in regional courts to state the reasons why a particular case should be transferred to London for determination when the appropriate specialist courts are available regionally. The amendments come into effect on 6 April 2015.
Part 36 of the CPR set outs the procedure to be followed where a party makes an offer to settle a matter, or part of a matter, and the consequences of making such offers. Since the rules were substantially amended in 2007 there has been a large amount of case law in respect of the application of the rules to various aspects of settlement including fraudulent claims and offers in respect of a split trial). The changes reflect the case law and aim to simplify the rules as far as possible to make them more accessible to court users, particularly litigants in person. Consequential amendments are made to Parts 37, 44, 45, 47 and 52. The amendments come into effect on 6 April 2015.
Litigants in person costs
A small amendment is made to (1) hourly rate that litigants in person conducting their own case may claim for legal work; and (2) the amount a party or witness may be paid for attending a small claim hearing. The first amount is increased from £18 to £19 per hour and the second from £90 to £95 per day. The increase is based on the change as represented by the Average Weekly Earning Index since the figures were last amended in 2011.
Temporary Appellate jurisdiction for Bar Standards Authority
The practice Direction is amended to enable appeals against certain decisions of the Bar Standards Board (BSB) to be considered by the High Court for a short period of time until the appropriate legislation is in place to allow a decision of the BSB’s Qualifications Committee be appealed to the General Regulatory Chamber of the First Tier Tribunal. The amendments come into force on 6 April 2015.
EU regulation on mutual recognition of protection measures in civil matters
Amendments to the rules allow for implementation of Regulation (EU) No. 606/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on mutual recognition of protection measures in civil matters (the “Protection Measures Regulation”). This Regulation will allow protection measures made in the UK to be automatically recognised and enforced in other member states (except Denmark, which is not bound by the Regulation), and the recognition and enforcement in the UK of protection measures made in such other member states. Protection measures are defined in the Regulation and essentially involve obligations on a person to refrain from contacting or approaching another person. The County Court and the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court will conduct proceedings under the Regulation. Similar amendments are being made to the Family Procedure Rules. Consequential amendments are made to Part 81. The regulation and amendments come into force on 11 January 2015.
Amendments are made to correct two numbering errors in the Civil Procedure (Amendment No. 7) Rules 2014 (S.I. 2014 No. 2948 (L. 32)) relating to the implementation of Regulation (EU) N 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2012 on jurisdiction and recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (recast). The amendments come into force on 9 January 2015.
The introduction of a new Part 87 dealing with applications for Habeas Corpus is part of the ongoing work of the CPR Committee to transfer the remaining Rules of the Supreme Court into the CPR. The rules are modified to update the language and to reflect the process in the Administrative Court which deals with such applications. Part 87 sets out the procedure code to be followed where the court is required to determine whether a custodian has the lawful authority to detain a prisoner. Many of the Latin terms have been replaced with simpler English phrases to assist the court user, the one exception being “Habeas Corpus” which has been retained as a widely recognised term.
RSC Order 54 is omitted and there are consequential amendments to PD4. The amendments come into force on 6 April 2015.
Amendments are made to reflect the introduction of a new system for sourcing medical reports in soft tissue injury claims brought under the RTA PAP. A ‘not for profit’ company ‘MedCo Registration Solutions’ (‘MedCo’) has been set up to operate this system, and from 6 April 2015, medico-legal experts and medical reporting organisations (MRO) will need to be registered with MedCo in order to provide medico-legal reports for RTA soft tissue injury claims. Users will be able to use the MedCo Portal to search for individual experts or MROs and will receive a number of randomly generated results from which to choose, to prevent the potential for conflicts of interest between those commissioning and those providing medico-legal reports. In addition, there will also be a new accreditation requirement for medico-legal experts and MRO to help improve the quality of medical evidence and drive up standards. The amendments will also require solicitors to undertake ‘previous claims’ checks on potential claimants and to confirm to the defendant that this has been done. Consequential amendments are made to Part 45, PD8B, 16, PD35 and Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury (Employers’ Liability and Public Liability) Claims. The amendments come into force on 6 April 2015.
Forms N242A, N260, No. 89, No.91 and No.92 are amended.
Forms No.87, No. 88, and No. 90 are deleted.
The Practice Direction – Directors Disqualification Proceedings has been amended and a new Practice Direction substituted. The Practice Direction came into force on 9 December 2014 and contains a note highlighting the reasons for change and the main amendments.
Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) is responsible for the provision of the CPR forms – if you have any comments or observations about the availability of court forms, please email