Comprehensive Classification & Compensation Study
On December 15th, 2021, the LHCSD Board of Education approved a Professional Services Agreement with Educational Management Solutions (EMS) to conduct a comprehensive Classification and Compensation Study of all Classified Positions districtwide. The overall purpose of this Classification and Compensation Study is to develop a plan that can serve as a foundation for future decisions regarding job functions as well as wage and salary administration of classified positions at the La Habra City School District. This Study is being conducted as part of the Personnel Commission’s periodic review of job classifications and agreed upon between the District and the CSEA to maintain an equitable and competitive compensation structure for its classified employees over time.
This Study will cover all current job classifications, within the Classified, Confidential, Supervisory and Management schedules. The Study incorporates:
- The input of randomly selected current employees and their supervisors in various forms (i.e., face-to-face meetings, virtual meetings, and phone calls).
- Analysis of current salary schedules used for the studied classifications.
- Analysis of each job classification to determine the current job functions and prerequisite requirements.
- Analysis of the relationships of the classifications to each other based on their salary grades correlated with an associated level of prerequisite job requirements.
- Analysis of the salary and compensation practices for a sample of “like” job classifications from selected local school districts.
This Study uses a process grounded in valid methodology, employment case law and varying degrees of inclusion of employees performing the job classifications under analysis. The Study's activities have been grouped into the following phases:
- Project Planning – Scheduled January 19 to February 28, 2022: This phase provided the opportunity to review the scope of the project, identify critical activities and timelines, and form an advisory committee that provided input throughout each phase of the Study.
- Job Analysis – Scheduled March 15 to May 31, 2022: This phase determines the functions and prerequisite requirements of each job. Data gathered during the analysis will be used as a foundation for several of the Study’s analytical processes and development of updated job descriptions. The job analysis process includes:
- Conducting about twenty (20) Focus Group interview meetings plus potentially several on-site individual and follow-up phone interviews with a representative sample of incumbents performing in the jobs. The focus group interviews will be conducted from March 15 to March 18, 2022.
- Conducting about six (6) administrator validation meetings with representatives of the supervisors of the studied classifications. Tentatively scheduled around early May.
- Distribution of draft job descriptions to all current employees performing in the job classifications for their review, feedback, and comments. Tentatively scheduled end of May.
- Job Valuation/Internal Equity – Scheduled March to May 2022: This process, commonly referenced as an internal equity analysis, identifies classifications currently placed at a salary level not consistent with their job value. The process used a matrix of 33 factors that have been developed in collaboration with school districts and is widely used nationally that allowed for the development of a “job value” for each of the studied classifications that is based on the identified level of prerequisite skills, knowledge, abilities, responsibility and working conditions associated with the classifications.
- Market Analysis/External Equity – Scheduled April to June 2022: This process, commonly referenced as an external equity analysis, will result in an analysis that provide a perspective of the competitiveness of the District’s salaries and will be integrated with the findings of the Internal Equity Analysis to provide the foundation for any recommended salary schedule adjustments. A list of 8 to 12 districts will be identified as employer’s representative of the District’s “competitive market”, and compensation data will be gathered from these school districts that are in geographic proximity to the District. The gathered data will be analyzed against more than twenty-five bench-marked job classifications as being representative of salary levels across the studied job classifications and perceived to be a likely “match” to positions within the market sources.
A Stakeholder Advisory Committee Meeting (VIRTUAL) is scheduled for Monday, February 28, 2022, at 2 pm. This is an opportunity for stakeholders to ask questions and provide directions regarding this study.
EMS will provide an overview presentation at the Personnel Commission meeting scheduled at 4:00 pm, Tuesday, March 15, 2022. All staff members are welcome to attend.
Class/Comp Stakeholder Committee
- Danelle Bautista, Director of Classified Personnel
- Dr. Mario Carlos, Associate Superintendent of HR
- Christeen Betz, Associate Superintendent of Business Services (Classified Management)
- Tamara Konate, CSEA Representative
- Sonia Kneip, School Office Manager (Classified)
- Denise Orozco, Personnel Technician II (Classified Confidential)
- Louise Gant, Former Personnel Commissioner/Employee