First Amendment News

Democrats have been spreading lies and conspiracy theories, including one that the assassination attempt on Donald Trump was staged, with ketchup on Trump’s ear. Even so bogus theories from the left pale in contrast to the systematic production of right wing lies that tend to create distrust in the electorate. (The New York Times, September 3, 2024, by Stuart A. Thompson and Tiffany Hsu) For related FAC coverage, click here and here.

Conservative commentators promote Russian propaganda

donal brown September 9, 2024

Russia has upped its game in laundering its propaganda, moving from posts on Twitter and Facebook to the use of conservative commentators to create Russia-slanted videos. Federal prosecutors alleged that the videos reflected views aimed at weakening U.S. opposition to Russia actions, including its invasion of Ukraine. (NBC News, September 5, 2024, by Brandy Zadrozny and Ryan J. Reilly) The government indictments accused RT of providing $10 million to Tenet Media, a platform for right-wing

Scant campaign coverage from local press

donal brown September 6, 2024

The dearth of local news outlets is affecting campaign coverage as candidates touring states find that there are few journalists at events. “When I started out, twenty years ago, there were multiple reporters at small-town dailies who covered politics,” said Jared Leopold, a Democratic communications consultant. Today it’s hard work to get local coverage especially from local television, crucial to campaigns. (Columbia Journalism Review, September 5, 2024, by Jake Lahut) A Northwestern University study revealed

Trump stealth attack on free press ready to go

donal brown September 5, 2024

Publisher of The New York Times A.G. Sulzberger warns that if elected president again Donald Trump would not have to blatantly violent free press rights by jailing journalists or shutting down newspapers. He could use a host of less obvious ways to throttle the press through tax law, broadcast licensing and government contracting. At the same time he could promote friendly news outlets by granting subsidies including state advertising revenue and tax exemptions. Trump followers

China assaulted First Amendment right to protest in San Francisco

donal brown September 5, 2024

China successfully silenced anti-China diaspora protesters in San Francisco last November. The Chinese Communist Party mounted counter-demonstrations to quell protests of rights abuses in Tibet, Xinjiang, Hong Kong and mainland China. The CCP routinely use pro-China diaspora groups to further its political goals overseas. A month-long investigation revealed how China acted to silence the protests during Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s visit. (The Washington Post, September 3, 2024, by Shigani Mahtani, Meg Kelly, Cate Brown, Cate