Printable Behavior Contracts for Teachers & Students

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ACN Latitudes

Behavior Contracts give you an opportunity to make an agreement with your student that works for both of you. What makes these Behavior Contracts unique is that in addition to using positive reinforcement, they also include details for what will happen if the student doesn’t honor the agreement in the contract. Great for students in middle and high school, use with young children, and for including parents.

Blue Behavior Contract (Fillable)

Blue Behavior Contract (Fillable)

Cell Phone Contract (Fillable)

Cell Phone Contract (Fillable)

Clean Bedroom Contract Colorful Intermediate (Fillable)

Clean Bedroom Contract Colorful Intermediate (Fillable)

Clean Bedroom Contract PreK Primary

Clean Bedroom Contract PreK Primary

Curfew Contract

Curfew Contract

Driving Contract (Fillable)

Driving Contract (Fillable)

Homework Agreement (Fillable)

Homework Agreement (Fillable)

My Allowance Contract (Fillable)

My Allowance Contract (Fillable)

My Allowance Contract Primary Mexico (Fillable)

My Allowance Contract Primary Mexico (Fillable)

My Allowance Contract Primary UK (Fillable)

My Allowance Contract Primary UK (Fillable)

My Allowance Contract Primary USA (Fillable)

My Allowance Contract Primary USA (Fillable)

My Basketball Behavior Contract

My Basketball Behavior Contract

My Behavior Contract Tree Style

My Behavior Contract Tree Style

My Cat Care Agreement Primary

My Cat Care Agreement Primary

My Dog Care Agreement Primary

My Dog Care Agreement Primary

My Mario Behavior Agreement (Fillable)

My Mario Behavior Agreement (Fillable)

My Peppa Pig Behavior Agreement (Fillable)

My Peppa Pig Behavior Agreement (Fillable)

My Pirate Behavior Agreement (Fillable)

<a href=My Pirate Behavior Agreement (Fillable)" />

Owl Behavior Contract Agreement (Fillable)

Owl Behavior Contract Agreement (Fillable)

Paw Patrol Behavior Agreement (Fillable)

Paw Patrol Behavior Agreement (Fillable)

Princess Elementary Behavior Contract (Fillable)

Princess Elementary Behavior Contract (Fillable)

Chore charts, behavior charts, potty charts, and much more

Behavior charts, award certificates, feelings charts, and much more

Selecting a Student Behavior Contract

Sometimes a student doesn’t need a typical behavior incentive chart and he or she responds best to a simple agreement. Behavior Contracts have been known to result in major change with a minimum of effort. See what Behavior Contract works best for you to come to an agreement with a student and/or parent.

Using Our Printable Behavior Contracts

Clarity of intent is a real key to success with Behavior Contracts. Both the teacher, student, and parent (if included), need to be able to express what is expected, what will happen if the contract is fulfilled, and what are the consequences if the contract is broken.

When you want to use Behavior Contracts, it’s smart to look into our Premium and Pro memberships. Why? Because you can type right into the downloaded document online, print and use! You can use the document as many times as you like. It sure beats handwriting!

Keep it Interesting

Watch for new opportunities to celebrate your students’ successes! Give them new goals to aspire to and watch for students that are doing things above and beyond what’s expected. Look for students who are making progress, even if there’s still a lot of room for improvement. Remember that baby steps are cause for celebration, too! Aim to keep things fresh, adjusting goals, using new incentives and selecting different charts from our creative selection.

Enjoy and Have Fun!

If you like using our classroom Behavior Contracts, then please use our social share buttons to tell your friends and family about them.

Be sure to check out all of the charts and other printables we offer on our site by navigating our menu. We also suggest for you to follow us on Pinterest for more helpful goodies! We regularly post behavior charts and other useful behavioral tools to our followers.

If you have any ideas on new charts that you would like to see us offer, then please send us a note. We would love to hear from you!