forced to adopt policy

I have tried to play 2 games but every time I get culture points it forces me to adopt a policy when I dont want or I simply can not take another one and hence I can not end the turn and start another one.

can you turn culture or the policy's off or is there away to end the turn or is there a bug fix.


Joined Jul 19, 2013 Messages 53 Location Switzerland

Why can you not take another policy?
Have you got the option enabled (when creating the game) that allows you to save policy points?


Administrator Joined Aug 5, 2012 Messages 12,129 Location Rural Vermont

When you first set up a game, you can select Policy saving on the Advanced options screen. There is no way to change that option mid-game.


Joined Mar 14, 2013 Messages 2,697 ^This. But when you're prompt to choose a free policy, you HAVE to choose it.


Joined Dec 3, 2013 Messages 38 Location Canada

I have tried to play 2 games but every time I get culture points it forces me to adopt a policy when I dont want or I simply can not take another one and hence I can not end the turn and start another one.

Why can't you take another policy? That doesn't make sense. You should never run out of Social policies to select. Are you aware that you can open more than one policy tree at a time?

Gyra Solune

Joined Jul 1, 2013 Messages 942

I don't get why you wouldn't want to adopt policies, that's what Culture is /for/, and all social policies have positive effects.

New Year's Update: Scenarios!​

Bulldog Bats

Joined Oct 18, 2013 Messages 701

The only negative thing about selecting a policy is that certain policy tree selections preclude you from taking certain other ones - just have to make the choice which way you want to direct your civ.

Gyra Solune

Joined Jul 1, 2013 Messages 942 If one has Brave New World then such is not the case. New Year's Update: Scenarios!​


Joined Nov 16, 2009 Messages 6,318

Get that policy saving option enabled in the advanced options screen before one starts the next game.


Joined Jun 3, 2005 Messages 4,867 Location In transit

Quite often, mid-game, I want to save policies for a new tree to become available (usually Rationalism or Ideology). For that reason I pretty much always check the advanced allow policy saving option.

This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it.


Joined Nov 17, 2008 Messages 1,313 Location Ottawa, Canada

Yeah, allow Policy saving is the one rule exception I always enable. I rarely actually end up taking advantage of it, but it's nice to have for those times when you're 5 turns away from hitting medieval and a policy pops. I think it's silly that you can't save them by default. It seems like any advantage you gain by holding on to one for a later policy tree is is outweighed by the fact that you aren't benefiting from a policy in the interim. If there is a way to exploit it, I haven't figured it out yet.

That being said, even when it is enabled, the end turn button will keep directing you to the policy screen, you'll have to right click on the circle notification on the side of the screen before you can advance.